Track Macros in App (daily carbs/protein/fat intake)

The browser log shows a breakdown of your macros for the day, and this is extremely useful, but it is absent in the app. For many people, including myself, it's not only important to track your calorie intake for the day, but also your macronutrient intake (carbohydrates, protein, and fat). When I'm considering my next meal or planning my food for the day, I want to know how much of each macronutrient I have eaten so far, so I don't go overboard. As a busy individual, most of my food logging is done through the app. However, I can not track my macronutrients through the app, which makes it hard for me to regulate my intake.


Here is an example of the "daily totals" macro tracker on the Fitbit browser log:


Extremely helpful. Not only does it show how many grams of each macro I've consumed for the day, but it also shows the percentage of my daily consumption for each macro. The aforementioned is a fabulous feature because I split my daily macro targets into percentages (ie; 30% carbs, 35% fat, 35% protein). This allows to see me where I'm at so far, or even log everything I INTEND to eat and see where that would leave me. Then, I can make adjustments. Really a great feature.


But, again, it's not available on the app. And I think it's really important that this be added, for several reasons:


  • A lot of people log most of their food through the day via app because of time restrictions/lack of access to a computer.
  • Real time macronutrient tracking helps everyone to meet their goals and adjust planned meals based on where their macronutrients currently stand.
  • Macronutrient tracking is just as important as calorie tracking. We need a balance of macronutrients to be happy and healthy.
  • Easily accessible (app) macronutrient tracking will help people to see patterns in their diet which are causing them to fall short of what they need, therefore helping them improve their diet.
  • Diet and what you eat is just as important as how many calories you consume. Being able to see the macronutrient numbers alongside the calorie numbers will help people become more aware of their diet.

Please give us macronutrient tracking in the app! It's such a wonderful feature of the browser log, and should definitely be prioritized for including it in the app log. Fitbit is an amazing product and can really help people turn their lifestyles around for the better, and adding the macronutrient tracker to the app will only further help those who need direction in the area of diet.


Moderator Edit: updated subject for clarity & Labels

Recovery Runner

I am re posting my original suggestion as I am unsure if I posted earlier in the correct forum.


I would like the macro nutrients to include fiber as it is an important part of our daily intake.


Thank you

Not applicable

It would be nice to be able to view macros entered through the app as a cumulative value. In addition to tracking cumulative calories, tracking the cumulative macros is also important so one can plan their diets accordingly. A thousand calories of twinkies is a lot different than thousand calories of proteins and greens. We spend lots of money on our devices and it would be complete to be able to view our whole diet plan. 

Not applicable

I agree! We spend money on their devices, we diet, gym memberships (if applicable). It would be nice to track the things that means most to us ON THE APP. 

First Steps

Thanks for adding the macro breakdown to the app, but the % part is not useful. PLEASE add it in grams as that is what most of us use for tracking. 


First Steps
AMEN!!! Yes, we need grams, PLEASE!!!!
First Steps
This. ^ we can't even see what it's a percent of! This ours basically
useless as percent and not what this community is asking for.
First Steps

I'd like to bump this to the top again--I'd really like this feature--just got a Fitbit Charger 2.

Keeping Pace

The % is a nice first step, but seeing actual amounts (grams) is what is really needed.


We need grams and net carbs, or fiber in grams along with carbs in grams so we can do the subtraction ourselves.

Keeping Pace

@Andraste44 When it shows the percentage breakdown, I believe it is talking about your day up until that point (what you've already eaten), not a percent towards a daily goal. Like if my goal is to have my macro breakdown be 35% protein, 35% fat and 30% carbs, I could see that section to show if I'm achieving that goal (I mean, it's still useless without showing me grams)

First Steps
Agree it's useless w/o showing grams. It's also super useless since I don't
know what 10% of X is...
First Steps

Displays macro-nutrient data such as total carbohydrates, protein, and fat intake


Do you think Fitbit for iOs should be able to track Macros? Leave your thoughts!


I am so thankful that the macros are now being illustrated on the iOS app... however the app doesn't match the website when comparing food logs?  At first I thought it was just a rounding difference because they were only off by 1% each time; but now I'm noticing 2-3%?

First Steps

Please add grams to the macro totals in the app. Percents are not as useful. Thank you.  


My problem is that while it is useful for some,it's another source of anxiety for me.

i wish this part of the app was optional and hope that it becomes do with the next update.




I Agree being able to set macro goals and have Fitbit notify my where I stand in the Food section of the app would be fantastic. I also think being able to set goals for micronutrients in the app would also be very useful.

First Steps

Please add grams to the macro totals in the app. I have another app for tracking just carbs, but I would love it I could track my carb intake with the fitbit app so I can keep track of everything in one place.

Thank you

First Steps

+1 on the daily calorie intake on the screen(Alta-Surge). Seems like a fairly simple programming modification. I'm actually shocked this only has 104 votes. Some of us need a little reminder to chill on the calories...

First Steps

Please add macro tracking in the app. It's becoming more and more important in people's daily nutrition and workout regimen to track. I hate having to enter my info in two apps.

Keeping Pace

With the latest iOS app update, daily total macro percentages have been added, but not the actual values, and not broken out for each meal; which is what I (and anyone who is counting carbs at each meal) have been asking for. On the browser log one can track the actual values of macro nutrients and see subtotals for each meal of the day; this is the functionality I need in the app.


The Macro breakdown addition to the mobile app is a fantastic start!


We need to be able to tap on it and see a detailed breakdown of daily nutrients now.


At minimum we need to see:


  • Calories
  • Fat
  • Fiber
  • Carbs
  • Sodium
  • Protein
  • Sugar

Diabetics and dieters need to see at least those macros.


Sugar also needs to be included in the website Dashboard. Ideally the "Daily Totals" section of the Dashboard should have a "See Details" link that just shows a simple table of all nutrients based on logged food.

Not applicable

This should be labelled Mobile App and/or iOS.

Base Runner

The new macro percentages are a really bad joke from fitbit - why there can't just implement the absolute values in grams? @Fitbit please listen to your customers an develope the feature as they wanted.

First Steps
Yes please! Need the grams!
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