Track Macros in App (daily carbs/protein/fat intake)

The browser log shows a breakdown of your macros for the day, and this is extremely useful, but it is absent in the app. For many people, including myself, it's not only important to track your calorie intake for the day, but also your macronutrient intake (carbohydrates, protein, and fat). When I'm considering my next meal or planning my food for the day, I want to know how much of each macronutrient I have eaten so far, so I don't go overboard. As a busy individual, most of my food logging is done through the app. However, I can not track my macronutrients through the app, which makes it hard for me to regulate my intake.


Here is an example of the "daily totals" macro tracker on the Fitbit browser log:


Extremely helpful. Not only does it show how many grams of each macro I've consumed for the day, but it also shows the percentage of my daily consumption for each macro. The aforementioned is a fabulous feature because I split my daily macro targets into percentages (ie; 30% carbs, 35% fat, 35% protein). This allows to see me where I'm at so far, or even log everything I INTEND to eat and see where that would leave me. Then, I can make adjustments. Really a great feature.


But, again, it's not available on the app. And I think it's really important that this be added, for several reasons:


  • A lot of people log most of their food through the day via app because of time restrictions/lack of access to a computer.
  • Real time macronutrient tracking helps everyone to meet their goals and adjust planned meals based on where their macronutrients currently stand.
  • Macronutrient tracking is just as important as calorie tracking. We need a balance of macronutrients to be happy and healthy.
  • Easily accessible (app) macronutrient tracking will help people to see patterns in their diet which are causing them to fall short of what they need, therefore helping them improve their diet.
  • Diet and what you eat is just as important as how many calories you consume. Being able to see the macronutrient numbers alongside the calorie numbers will help people become more aware of their diet.

Please give us macronutrient tracking in the app! It's such a wonderful feature of the browser log, and should definitely be prioritized for including it in the app log. Fitbit is an amazing product and can really help people turn their lifestyles around for the better, and adding the macronutrient tracker to the app will only further help those who need direction in the area of diet.


Moderator Edit: updated subject for clarity & Labels


How many years and thousands of "votes" need to happen before this is implemented?!?   We now have deeper sleep analysis and cardio fitness stats...but no nutrition macros...come on FITBIT!

Not applicable

It's so frustrating that this still hasn't happened. 4 years and no progress at all on this front.Even on the website it doesn't show net carb percentages. That's what counts (if your really following Keto and eating right) It really bugs me that you can't see this on the APP and that you can't set your net macro goals. Ugh! I give up. 

Base Runner

AdamKos - sleep analysis just got worse on the computer interface. Less information than before 😞 

They're going in the wrong direction. 

Smiley Sad


Enable the tracking of nutrient intake on the app. It is available on the dashboard, but it would more useful to track using the app. Specifically sodium. 

Keeping Pace


@Skessler2121 wrote:
Hello, I try to stick to a low carb diet rather than a low calorie diet. It would be nice if Fitbit had either a mode for carb counting/tracking or a section for this added to the calorie tracker. I currently have to use a different all for this, it would be much easier and less time consuming if I could do it all in one app. Thanks for reading!!
Thank You for the comment.  There are many who need to count Carbs  (they are my enemy # 1) for weight control.


Stepping Up

It woudl be great if the FB food log also tracked Magnesium intake. So many iof us are deficient. I'll be using different app that does track micronutrients, but wish I could do it here. I would be willing to pay for Premium but I understand Mg doesn't currently show up on the nutrient summary page.

Base Runner

Tank you Fitbit for finally showing the macronutrient in the app. You really made my day 😚😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Stepping Up

@ska45 sorry but where exactly do you see said feature? I neither had an app update nor is is in there already for me?

Base Runner
The app was updated yesterday. Go to the tab where you log your food. You
will see the figures just above the eaten items.
Stepping Up you use an iOS or Android phone? I'm on iOS and I don't see what you're describing here.

Base Runner
Sorry. I am on android. It must come to IOS very soon ...
Stepping Up

Or are you just referring to the macro overview for each food item?1.png








































Because that is cool and all, but we'll need a general overview of consumed TOTAL macros, not a breakdown for each individual item.

Base Runner


I am refering to this - see the bottom of the picture where it says
macronutrients. It shows the macronutrient composition of my food eaten so
far this dayScreenshot_2017-04-07-09-08-56.png

Recovery Runner

@ska45 That is awesome, hopefully they will roll this out to their iOS users as soon as possible! 

Stepping Up

Thanks for clarifying, but still, this is absolutely useless since I personally (and I assume almost anyone else as well) need a breakdown in GRAMS, not in PERCENTAGES. But maybe we'll be able to adjust the displayed information in that regard.

Recovery Runner

@ska45 Can you click on the macro chart or make the chart bigger to show more information or is that all the information that is accessible at the moment? 

Base Runner

There also is this. Which I don't find so useful because it's rather
small. I'd rather have the macronutrients in gram next to the %

Stepping Up

Yeah, as mentioned before, pretty useless for people counting macros. But it's a start, maybe we'll see gram values in the next 4 years then...

First Steps
I'm in android. There's nothing there. Quick add calories, same old
calories in vs out goal, etc.
First Steps

I would like the Daily Calorie Composition on the app please.  I like to keep track of how many fats, carbs, sugars, proteins, etc I've consumed in a day.  Thanks!

First Steps
These are NOT the micronutrients we were looking for.

I want to be able to set and carb goal to 40, and track it through the day.
I want it to show up where the calories in vs out is, since I don't give a
**ahem** about calories. Or, at the very least, I want to be able to see the
actual numbers of the nutrients I want to track, not some arbitrary

The attached picture I typed "bagel" in the food search. A list of bagels
appeared, but there is no way to select and look at an entry, you know, to
see if that bagel matches the one I am eating. You just have to guess. That
is beyond **ahem**ty and stupid. Clearly the information is stored with that
entry, why you don't give the ability to see it is beyond me. I know the
information is there, because when I go out after blindly guessing which
one of the 1000 bagel entries best fits my needs the "micronutrients"
section has magically decided I'm at 79% of my carb goal for the day. How
in the **ahem**ing hell did you come up with that?!? We didn't discuss any
intake goal other than calories, and even with that all you had me choose
was a calorie deficit; and I don't even know what I'm subtracting from!!!!
My usual intake? 2500 cal, which is a moderately active adult male? 2000
for women? What if I'm not active at all??

This is a **ahem** food app all around. There are several that aren't perfect,
but are doing better than you. If you really care about your customers
you'll listen to them and fix this. But it seems to me the only thing
FitBit cares about is making a new wrist tracker and selling it, **ahem**
making anything worthwhile to go along with it.

This is PROMISING...if we get what Android users have on the iOS app...I'm a happy guy.  Having macro percentages is exactly what we need to dial-in our total calorie intake.  Keeping my fingers crossed that we get that same dial on iOS.

Its disappointing to see how rude some people can be on these threads.. In other areas of your life, do you get what you want by speaking to others like this? 

Anyway, no need to rant here... this is progress and I'll take it.  Too bad Android users got this first!!


Keeping Pace
Did u try to update or reinstall your app?
First Steps

I count carbs also and would like to have that info available from the app at least. thanks

First Steps

I agree, my daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes recently and the whole family is eating low carb now because of it. Right now I have to use my fitness pal to track my food intake because the fit bit app only tracks calories.  Diabetes effects many people and it would be nice to see this feature added to the app.

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