Track miles on pairs of shoes

There should be a way to track the amount of km's (miles) you performed during your exercises. 

You should also implement a way to reset the counter increase you've swapped your shoes. Or have several counters for those who prepare a marathon and use two pairs of running shoes.


Thanks in advance!


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i agree. i have to use a third party app to track the shoe milage and running mileage right now, which seems silly since the Fitbit should clearly be able to do the same.  seems like very simple additions to the dashboard, regardless of which tracker you use.  


we'll see if Fitbit has even seen this thread yet .... we can't be the only people that would like to see these features added.  

First Steps

I linked my Fitbit account to Strava, and Strava does track miles on shoes and bikes - but it only logs GPS-recorded activities so that indoor track or treadmill miles are not accounted for.

First Steps

Please add this feature soon!  Before I got my fitbit I have been using another app that allows me to track multiple pairs of shoes--I use several pair of shoes for different kinds of runs.  I've had to log my data both in fitbit and the other app in order to track the mileage on my shoes but I really want to be able to simplify things by using only the fitbit app!  Thanks in advance!!!

First Steps
I always have to go to the shoe shop and ask if my shoes need replacing because apparently its based on the wear (xxx number of km). Would be great to log this as fitbit already measures how far you walk etc. because i spend most of my time in 2 pairs of shoes it would be an easy mathmatical eauation... I appreciate its not an exact science but by logging the date you start wearing the shoes, an approx time worn (say x% of the time i am active i wear these shoes), and total k's before a "check your footwear" warning notification appears. This would be awesome. Sorry if I have repeated what's already here. Can't be bothered looking thru the posts! Love my Charge HR!
Not applicable

This is a duplicate.. be sure to head over and upvote the original:

I would like to have the option to enter a date and time when I purchased new shoes. Then receive a notification when those shoes are approaching a specified number of miles, say 350 miles.

I agree...I am currently using 2 apps for running because I use the second one just to log the miles I am putting on my running shoes. If Fitbit could add the ability to upload shoes, select which ones you are using and track the mileage (very similar to mapmyrun) it would be awesome!

First Steps

Ditto on the shoe feature.  My Garmin has this feature and I used it a lot.  I am hopeful for Fitbit to do the same.  It seems to me that Fitbit in this feature is a little behind the competitors.


I have stopped using the fitbit app. I went back to my old Nike app. I
still have the fitbit itself, but I am no longer logging my runs with

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First Steps

As a dedicated runner I would like to put forward an idea to add a feature to exercise tracking to tag your running shoes in a run to track the mileage in your runners to give a cumulative mileage count. This feature would be handy as it is ideal to retire a pair of runners at 500 - 600kms. I am sure plenty of other users would agree.


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Yup.  Another one here looking for Shoe Mileage Tracking.  I used the Nike App before I got my Surge.  I relied on the App to keep track of shoe mileage for me before I start paying for running in worn out shoes.  I usually have to retire a pair about 250 miles and usually have 2 to 3 rotating pairs active at one time. 

I would envision that you would get a notification that says what shoes are you wearing today?  And then you can pick from like 3 pictures of your different most common shoes.  The hard part would be telling it when you aren't wearing any shoes, like at home.


Make it active only when you select an Activity such as Running.  I don't care about it otherwise.  I am only trying to track mileage on running shoes and don't wear my running shoes for walking.  You should be able to walk on shoes a long time. 

Sent from my iPhone

Stepping Up

I want to use the dashboard/app to keep track of how many miles I've ran in a pair of running shoes. This will allow me to gauge how long before it will be before I need a new pair of trainers. Is it possible to get a feature where I record the date and the app/dashboard keeps a running total of all the running miles logged after this date?


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Need this feature. I use Runmeter right now. Please add so we can use just one app.
Recovery Runner

I'm for footgear mileage tracking. I was suprised to see one person said he got 600 miles from footgear. He's either walking on air or hurting himself. I'd like a way to vote for/against a comment.

@debrockb wrote:

There should be a way to track the amount of km's (miles) you performed during your exercises. 

You should also implement a way to reset the counter increase you've swapped your shoes. Or have several counters for those who prepare a marathon and use two pairs of running shoes.


Thanks in advance!


Moderator edit: added labels


First Steps

Please, please, PLEASE add this functionality!

First Steps

I agree 100%, a gear tracker function to know how many miles are on several pairs of shoes would be awesome!

Recovery Runner

This is a useful feature. 

After 500km a pair of shoes look like new (climate permitting) but definitely lose their spring/ shock-absorption 

First Steps

It would be great if the Blaze had the ability to track my shoes so I know when I am in need of new ones. I used to have this feature on my Bike running watch.

Recovery Runner

Totally agree, Come on Fitbit, this is a must have for all the runners and walkers out there to be able to track their gear. 

Recovery Runner
We need an option to change miles. I need 400-450.

Mike Leibowitz
First Steps

Yes, please. And also add this data to the synced data with other apps, so apps like Strava or Runkeeper keep track of this shoes mileage as well when synced.



Because of lack of this miles tracking feature, I had to move out of fitbit
as my primary app and went back to Nike+. So wish Fitbit would get it

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Tempo Runner

I would love it if Fitbit added this feature into the app / trackers. It is a great way to watch your health by replacing shoes when needed.


It should be pretty simple to add it in even if it didn't actually tell you when to replace them but at least it could allow you to log miles to a certain shoe type or name of a shoe

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