Track miles on pairs of shoes

There should be a way to track the amount of km's (miles) you performed during your exercises. 

You should also implement a way to reset the counter increase you've swapped your shoes. Or have several counters for those who prepare a marathon and use two pairs of running shoes.


Thanks in advance!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Tempo Runner

@JennQ wrote:

It would be great if the Blaze had the ability to track my shoes so I know when I am in need of new ones. I used to have this feature on my Bike running watch.

I definitely agree. There is another suggestion for this feature at:

Tempo Runner

This idea could be put into place by making a "pair of shoes" icon within one of the tabs on the dashboard. 

First Steps
That's A Great Idea!
Recovery Runner

It's really a bummer that Fitbit has not even made an effort on this one.  It would be such an easy feature to add!

First Steps
I contacted Fitbit directly asking for this feature, their response instructed me not to contact them directly with any ideas for improvements, but instead use the Fitbit forum and if they see enough people discussing it they may do something, seems they're more interested in a high volume of discussions on their forum than improvements.

Add a feature where you can keep track of what running shoes are being used during your runs/walks to keep track of how many miles are being put on the shoes. I used to have a Garmin and it had that feature.


This is a must have feature for Fitbit. Shouldn't cost must to include this in the next software update. 

Recovery Runner

The ability to track the mileage on your shoes would be wonderful.  As shoes age, our posture and gait change.  This makes us susceptible to injury which we are all trying to avoid.  I don't think it would need to be fancy.  Many apps have you select the exact shoe, etc.  I think if you are able to just add each pair of shoes you own and edit workouts to reflect which pair of shoes you wore.  Personally, I have 4 pairs of shoes that I switch off on for each type of activity.  Two pairs of shoes for running, one pair trail running/hiking, and a general pair for walking.  This feature option would be great!


Fitbit users have been asking for this feature for a really long time.  Other fitness bands have this feature already included.   I used to own one of those 'other' bands but changed to Fitbit.  Please don't ignore your customers.  

Recovery Runner

Hey Moderator, it seems like there are a whole lotta people who want this feature.  How about passing it along to the Powers that Be??

Tempo Runner
I agree with you 100%

Any use adding my vote?  It's been 2 years since it was raised - and I am assuming not because Fitbit were waiting for me to ask as well...


Dear Fitbit,

I am about to give up on you. I have loved my Surge ever since I got it over 3 years ago. It broke down twice, I had it replaced twice, the first time just by sending you an e-mail, the second time jumping through a whole bunch of hoops. You obviously had quality issues which I guess you couldn't fix and hence discontinued Surge, but I have stuck with you. Because as I said, I love my Surge as long as it works. I use your Aria scale. Over the years, I bought the Charge for 4 family members as Christmas presents. I would even consider getting your new Ionic watch when this Surge also quits on me, which I'm sure will happen soon. But at the very least, you have to be able to implement small common-sense changes that are requested by a bunch of people. Like tracking shoes. How can you not be tracking shoes? This thread has been open over 2 years. How can you not see the first posting on this thread and say, "Wow! Why didn't we think of this and implement it in the first place, great suggestion, we're doing this next week." Any decent programmer already familiar with your codes should be able to add this feature to your dashboard in under 30 minutes. With a little more effort, it would show up on the trackers too. Where is your respect for your users? You have products that I love but you are losing me because of your unresponsiveness. You give the impression that you don't care about your customers. I will not buy any other product from you unless I see that change. Implementing shoe tracking is a start. Otherwise, so long...

Recovery Runner

KemalS, Bravo!  Well said!  You articulated exactly the way I feel about this.  I wish Fitbit would at least respond. It may be that they can't implement this feature because of some kind of licensing issue (e.g. it infringes a patent), just communicate with us!

Exactly. Why not reply to 2 years of suggestions Fitbit?!?
Recovery Runner

Please add shoe tracking in a future software update.  Now that the Ionic is out, it would be very helpful.



First Steps

I got FitBit surge (used) from my friend. I am runner for 2 years now and I run with my phone. I want to decide what watch to buy. I like surge a lot. As I see forum here (also TomTom), people asking for features and after 3 yeas nothing was done on this shoe tracking. OMG just add simple option to track a shoe cannot be big problem. Or to edit run from android phone or windows PC... You are going tom release new IONIC and reading the watch can measure the oxygen blood level on some test website and on your website it says it hasnt been tested and will take more time... after reading this I am definitely going with Garmin...

Good plan. The reason I left garmin was the app. It would often fail to sync with watch for weeks at a time. Nothing would fix it. Also hate the looks of the app. Check the garmin app out first before you buy.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
i understand that every tracker has something... my collegue has blaze and
lost HR monitor after last FW update. also in most cases bad sync is not a
Tracker problem but phone or people. I think garmin give me more features
which already work and fitbit just promising will maybe work in future...

I requested this option almost 3 years ago and after waiting for a year or
so, I left Fitbit.

I went to Nike fuel band for a while, which has good app, easy to track
shoes etc, but I did not like the Nike fuel band itself and returned it.

I currently have Garmin (235) watch. It does a great job of tracking all
kinds of data, has it's own GPS, so can use it without the phone, but the
app is not user friendly. It does track the shoes but if you have multiple
shoes, it is somewhat cumbersome (again not so user friendly). It looses BT
connection to the phone, but I have discovered that if I turn the BT off
and then back on, it connects.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed

Thanks for the BT connection hint. Helpful if I decide to change back to garmin. I wish I could like the garmin app more then the decision to switch back wouldn't be so hard to make. As soon as my Blaze quits working I have a decision to make. Get with it Fitbit! Listen to your customers!

Sent from my iPad
First Steps

I'm just learning about proper running shoe health, and how you really want to not use your shoes more than 250-400 miles, depending upon your weight. For me, being heavy, it's on the 250 side. I was thinking setting a shoe life alert, and then using the tracker to add up over time. It could give you a warning when you're within say 20% of the total, so you know to get moving on getting a new pair and retiring the old ones. Even though most people have a particular brand they like, the app could suggest options or email coupons for deals.  It could even port directly into amazon subscribe and save and know when to que up sending a new pair over. 



Moderator edit: Labels

First Steps

To go further, nest has something like this for air filters in your HVAC unit, cars for oil, etc. The seasonal exchange items have a way of adding up. 

First Steps

I just came back to Fitbit for the Ionic after using Garmin and other brands for a few years.  I also rotate shoes and the Garmin app allows you to enter in different pairs of shoes and after each run, you add what shoes you wore and it tracks the miles for you, loved this feature and really want it back.

Fitbit:  Quite putting all your resources into trying to compete with Apple in all the smart watch crap and focus on what you used to do best....FITNESS! I'm so disappointed in the lack of features within your app.  Adding shoe tracking would be a great start.  Also the ability to add comments to each workout vs just editing the time.

First Steps

Yes, Yes Yes!! Garmin has this and its awesome! You input any and all the gear you want, then add it to your workout and it tracks it for you! 


I noticed a suggestion made for this a couple years ago, which FitBit obviously took no action on, instead they seem to be focused on competing with Apple on smart watch features and have lost sight of what they used to do best....FITNESS!  Get back to Fitness FitBit!  I went to other brands for a few years and am starting to regret my return, I really thought you were the leader in fitness tracking, but you have fallen behind.  Your app needs a lot of updating/improvements.  Check out all the features of the Garmin app, in addition to shoe tracking, there are other edit capabilities.

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