
I think it should be able to tell you the temperature and the weather with an icon that could show a cloud or a sun or a rain drop depending on the weather. It would use ur phone and current location to get the data. I would buy a Fitbit for that feature alone.

Moderator Edit: Edited labels.

Recovery Runner

Definitely love this idea!!! 

First Steps
Add outside temperature to watch face. Pull it in from location of app during sync.
Not applicable

Which purpose ?

once you checked the today temperature on Accuweather or The Weather Channel, you have it on your smartphone and will not be changed every minute, so ?

Yes this would be great on surge to!
Recovery Runner
Great Idea, looking forward to the uppgraderar With it!
First Steps
Please at least add the current temperature. I seriously considered other smart watches for the weather feature and especially calendar alerts. Please please please add these two features
First Steps
I think it would be very convenient if the Fitbit charge hr or other fitbits with the screen could sync to the app which would be connected to the weather apps on iOS and android and by clicking through the button on the Fitbit the current outside tempature would show up just like the other things like heart rate does or steps and etc
Recovery Runner

My Charge HR tracks my sleep, and I would really like to improve my sleep quality by monitoring trends. It would be great if Fitbit can show my sleep data on a grpah, together with the historic weather changes too such as temperature, humidity, air quality etc.


This might be very helpful if some interestign trends are observed which can help me give some hints when i sleep better.

First Steps

I echo many of these comments...

Would be great to have a weather screen on Surge and also have weather data included on runs and workouts within the app.



First Steps

It would be great if the fitbit blaze would have a screen that would display the current temperature.   Other information would be great as well , but current weather is something I check frequently and have to go to my phone to check currently.

First Steps
Please, give the Fitbit charge or any other Fitbit for that matter, a weather/temperature feature. I know some people may say that you can just use your phone for that, but if you think about it you could use your phone for a load of other things that you can use the Fitbit for. The point is that it's easter, more efficient, and far quicker to just turn your wrist towards you and see what's going on with your fitness and what ever else you want to look at such as weather and temperature. Thank you for your time if you made it this far and I really hope that someone considers implementing this idea.
First Steps
Since most smart watches these days are complicated and expensive more people like the simplicity of Fitbit. But I think they should add a couple more features like the temperature of the area we are in via location services on ones phone.
First Steps

It would be really helpful if (for one) the Alta allowed a bit more customization with respect to the different screens you can see and the different goals available (for example, I'd like to have a goal for calorie deficit, not just total calories burned).


I'd like to think of the customization with the different screens available along the lines of different "apps" that could be added or removed and reordered. One such "app" (I don't have a better word for these, but hopefully you know what I mean) could be a weather screen that shows the current temp, highs and lows, and chance of rain within the next few hours. The weather data could be collected from the phone and then synced to the Alta in the morning (and maybe the user could set when they'd like the weather data to be synced, so it's ready when they wake up).


First Steps

By the way, I was thinking that weather data could just be collected from the phone and then synced to the Alta.

Not applicable

Cat HappyHeart Yes Please 

First Steps

Please add functionality to pull weather data for a few global locations from your phone to the Blaze.  Add it in your own app or integrate with an app already on the market to pull that data over to the Blaze.  Much needed.

First Steps

I would like to see the current weather on the watch face of my Alta and/or a page with detailed weather info (high/low, rain chance, next hour forecast) with sync options in the app (for battery life) and severe weather alerts.


Stepping Up

I would like to see a simple weather icon showing current weather, current temperature and high/lows for the day. I'm using the Charge HR it would be awesome to have it displayed!

First Steps
I do most of my workouts outside. I would be nice to see the weather, or at least the outside temp on my watch... just a thought!
First Steps

I would like there to be a weather status bar on fitbit devices with displays such as the Charge HR or the Blaze. If it was sunny, it would show up as a sun but if it is rainy it would have a cloud and an animation of rain.

Not applicable
I think that it would be cool if all fitbits could tell you what the temperature is outside. It would make it a lot easier to be able to check the temperature.
Recovery Runner
I was thinking maybe that the Alta could have a clock face that would show the degrees when your phone was near.
Base Runner
Maybe if it is connected to your phone or computer it could show the weather?
Not applicable

Could you add a weather menu, similar to the pre existing ones (guided breathing, stopwatch etc.). It could grap data through bluetooth daily and display icons (for cloudy, windy, sunny etc.) and you could cycle through the week with the tap screen funcition. Also hold button for a detailed view of each day


Aditionally, could you have weather enabled watchfaces

Community Legend

I'm not sure how this would work as your fitbit doesn't have Internet access.

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