Weekly Report: Add Cals In Vs. Cals Out

I just noticed that Fitbit has changed the style of the emails for Weekly Progress Reports, and this change has removed some of the information I find most useful. This information being the "Calores In vs Calories Out" tile.

As such, is there anywhere in the new format that allows me to access the information that used to be shown under "Calories in VS Calories out" in the old format?

If not, please incorpoate this tile again - it is the most useful one!


Moderator Edit: Added Labels/Title for Clarity

Recovery Runner

If you look at the benefits of premium it list this as a feature, so I'm thinking we are out of luck. It's too bad because I was enjoying my fitbit. I will be looking for a new tracker and I'll try to sell my fitbit. 😢

Recovery Runner

Yes, please bring back the calroies in vs out in the weekly report.

Not applicable

Truthfully this was the best part of being able to sync my calories with Fitbit... the I gratification (or motivation) I got from seeing the weekly calories in/ out. Please bring it back! Or at least the option to view I weekly.



Recovery Runner

Since Calories In vs Out comparison was removed from the Weekly Progress report in mid-December could you at least at Calories Eaten to the Weekly report as a separate cell.    This is a very important value to know when trying to lose weight.    


I too am very disappointed that this feature was removed!! The calories in versus out is the MAIN reason I even bought a Fitbit in the first place! Please bring it back!!


I'll add another vote for this. My primary tracking is calories in vs out on a weekly basis!

Base Runner
I really miss this feature. Yes, I have made a spreadsheet and can track
it that way. I could also pay $50 a year for premium. However, I don't
need and/or want all the info premium provides. I don't need/want those
charts, etc. KISS is my motto. With all the devices this company has on
the market, it would seem that they don't have to try to grab more $$$.
>From my seat it looks like greed. Just my thoughts.

It's sort of ridiculous that this even needs to be in the feature suggestion pages. Typically I don't really complain but as someone struggling with recovering from Anorexia I'm having a hard time finding the use of this product at the end of the week. Recovery brings on binges occasionally and doing the math myself this past month almost seems more complicated than just fasting for three days out of the week to make sure everything balances out. 


Without that feature I really don't see a point in using the product. Seeing calories burned is nice, yes, but why bother connecting with MyFitnessPal at all then? None of it makes very much sense to the consumer (ha-ha) of the product when the point of the product is to encourage weight loss (or maintenance) and Calories in Vs. Calories out is the proven method of doing so. 

Stepping Up

PLEASE bring back the calories in/calories out summary on the emails!  Better yet, add it to the app!!!  It truly is the best feature and I was so upset when I realized it was gone.  I really hope someone from fitbit will actually respond to us sometime soon!  Listen to your customers, please!!!!


What the heck, Fitbit? This is the second thread I've read about this, and I agree with everyone else. The weekly calories in/out was the most helpful information from the weekly report. Why in the world would you take that out? Please put it back. At this point, my weekly reports are going directly to the trash because there's not a whole lot of useful information in them.

Not applicable

I highly suggest each of you contact Fitbit support directly via their phone number: (877) 623-4997.


i called and the man was not very helpful, but did escalate it to the tech people. Things like his get lost so I think the more people who flag this as an issue,  the faster it will get fixed (if at all).



Recovery Runner

Good advice.  I'll be calling this afternoon

Stepping Up

Within the "call in" android tile and drill down screens on the Android app, I'd like to see weekly totals of calories in vs calories burnt.  The calories tile drill down screen shows weekly calories burnt, and the calories in drill down show side by side bar carts of daily in vs out values.  I'd like o see these sumaraized at the week level.

Not applicable

Totally agree , and please put this on the IOS app too 


I would like to be able to see a period longer than one week for the calories in/out graph on my iphone app.



Yes, I do love even on the web browser dashboard if I hover over the intake vs burned tile and go to "Quick View" it tells me my surplus/deficit for the current week, but I'd really like to be able to see what my surplus/deficit was for last week. If I don't remember to check that chart as the very last thing I do on a Saturday night, I lose that data, and it is really awesome (and for those of us trying to lose or even gain weight super IMPORTANT) data to have.

First Steps

I agree. 

Why would they get rid of a feature like that that used to exist? It's incredibly frustrating.

The old metrics and summaries that they provided in the old app and in the old weekly summaries were better. They had more detail and provided better, easier to consume information. The new emails and the new layout of the app is demonstrably worse -- less information, poorly laid out with tons of useless white space. The design team is making awful decisions and I'm going to find a new app, and potentially a new product.


Bring back Cals in vs out! Why the heck did you take it away?? Better yet, why not make the report customizable? Then I can decide what stats I want to track!

Not applicable

Hi- Does anybody know of any other fitness tracker apps that track weekly calorie balance? Ever since Fit Bit stopped offering this feature it has essentially become useless to me. 


For those frustrated by this: If you click "go to dashboard" in your weekly report email, then click the tile showing your daily in vs. out, it'll also show you your weekly in vs. out. So basically, it's not in the app anymore, but it's still on the website. 


I agree that I definitely want it back in the app, though.  On the day to day I need to be flexible -- some days I'm going to have a work lunch and end up eating out God knows where, and some days I'm going to be busy a lot and won't have time for snacking and I'll come in under.  For me, it helps to keep the daily figure in perspective and to keep me on track to be able to see how things average out over the week. 


I also find it helps me to hang onto bigger deficits on a daily basis if I can see how they're adding up over the week. If it's evening and I have 400 calories left in my budget I'm likely to think, cool, now I can have some ice cream.  It's only a couple hundred calories and I have it in the budget so why not.  But if I've been watching my weekly deficit add up all week, it helps me to see how that extra couple hundred calories a day has a big impact on my overall progress. 


TL;DR: I want a weekly deficit tracker in the dashboard of my app, right there where I can see it every time I open the app.  If others don't feel the same, cool, whatever, make it a customizable option, but don't just take valuable features away from us without asking, mmkay? 

Recovery Runner
That is really great to know, and I tried it...thing is, you cannot manually input your food log for it to work. I think FitBit wants you to use their food diary...please advise if I am mistaken...thanks.

I have noticed that when I get an email of my weekly report every Tuesday, it has a section on calories in vs out. I tried to find the same feature when you look at the '7 day reprot' under My Account, however this does not seem to appear there. It would be a lot easier for me to see when I need to do some more exercise if this feature was available - I'm sure that's quite simple to add in - instead of waiting for the report on Tuesday or trying to add it up myself. 


Count me among the many who want this statistic back. It is the ONLY item on the report I care about. It was very motivational and I looked forward to getting my weekly report just so I could check it. Please don't wait any longer to bring it back. And please don't take something like this away from us in the future without doing some kind of survey on which features are important to us.

"Lanuza" and "Ems", the Fitbit Moderators on this Twilight Zone of a "Community Forum," have not commented again on the status of the Missing Calories In/Out Report that has been gone from the weekly report since the second week in December 2016. Many of us commenters get directed round and round in the various threads on this subject, when we want to post what we think is a legitimate complaint. Guess it's gone bye bye for good. Too bad. I now delete the Weekly Report from my email inbox without opening it. Calories In/Out was the only thing I was interested in seeing so I track the calories myself now. Most of us don't like something taken away from us that we are used to having. And Geeze Louise, get somebody to design a more organized Community where All of the comments on the same subject are listed together.

I absolutely agree, the most helpful aspect of the weekly progress report was to have the calories in verses out! Especially for those losing weight. What the hell fitbit? Why on earth would you take this away??? Please put it back or make it an option that you can select to have it sent to you. Honestly Fitbit, you make my head spin sometimes with your choices!

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