02-05-2023 10:44 - edited 02-06-2023 04:52
02-05-2023 10:44 - edited 02-06-2023 04:52
I havent used my versa 3 because it broke, so I got a new one and I installed the last version of the clockface/settings i made for my old versa. this time when i choose a top and bottom color for the background gradient, it is SUPER ugly and shows mostly one color and not the other, I remember it used to blend perfectly. My code has not change, I just updated firmware and my gradients are ugly? Must I edit code or is there a problem with my watch ? please indicate what has changed
my gradient is a simple rectangle that blends in the middle with a color on top and bottom, but it is not blending in the middle and it shows mostly one color
simple gradient (where we later can choose the value for c1 and c2):
<svg id="gradientContainer">
<gradientRect id="bg" width="100%" height="100%"/>
02-06-2023 15:00
02-06-2023 15:00
Be sure to set a gradient x1, x2, y1, y2 as outlined in https://dev.fitbit.com/build/guides/user-interface/svg/#linear-gradients
These are the coordinates the colors will begin and end blending from/to. Also, be aware that gradients between very similar colors may not show much blending as I believe the color palette available on the device is somewhat limited.
02-06-2023 16:05 - edited 02-06-2023 16:06
02-06-2023 16:05 - edited 02-06-2023 16:06
thanks, i forgot to include this is the style, and i am modifying the color values later with css/js which works fine but the blend is terrible. i have not modified the code since 6 months ago and it used to look great.
#bg {
gradient-type: "linear";
gradient-x1: "0";
gradient-y1: "50";
gradient-x2: "0";
gradient-y2: "100%-50";
gradient-color1: "magenta";
gradient-color2: "red";