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Issue with webhooks for user with ID = 9T53QL after connecting to the Fitbit app

Hello everyone. Guys, I need your help with webhooks. Let me tell you more details about the issue.

So, my team working on a website and we have real users who have smart devices and are connected via Fitbit connection. Users can connect and synchronize the activity to the calendar.

And of course, we have a Fitbit app.
Country: USA

And a few weeks ago, we got an issue with webhooks for the Fitbit connection. All our users connected via Fitbit and got webhook notifications.
But for some clients they come steadily and for others they do not come at all, and the client with ID = 9T53QL is an example of such a problem.
This user has a "Connected" status but cannot get webhooks.



And I do not know why hooks do not come for this particular client.
We checked the token - expired or not. The issue is not in the token, everything is fine with it - token is actual.

If any of you have encountered this problem, please tell me what could be wrong?
Thank you so much!

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