02-17-2018 13:35
02-17-2018 13:35
I've had numerous looks at the Settings Guide on Fitbit.com and still whenever I go to open the settings for my Ionic app on my phone, it says settings are unavailable. What's going on?
Here's my code so far:
function mySettings(props) { return ( <Page> <Section title={<Text bold align="center">Seperator Bar Color</Text>}> <Toggle settingsKey="seperatorToggle" label="Seperator based on Day Prgress On/Off" /> <ColorSelect settingsKey="color" colors={[ {color: 'firebrick'}, {color: 'darkorange'}, {color: 'gold'}, {color: 'deepskyblue'}, {color: 'olivedrab'}, {color: 'deeppink'}, {color: 'purple'} ]} /> </Section> <Select label={`Type of Day`} settingsKey="schedule" options={[ {name:"Regular"}, {name:"No School"}, {name:"2 Hour Delay"}, {name:"PM Activity"}, {name:"Assembly"}, {name:"7 Period"}, {name:"Exam"}, ]} /> </Page> ); } registerSettingsPage(mySettings);
03-04-2018 22:22
03-04-2018 22:22
The final <Select> seems to be outside the <Section>.
Does your project also have companion? I think it's required for settings to work.