04-01-2023 08:58
04-01-2023 08:58
Hi, i'm looking at possibly getting a ftibit sense 2 as they seem the most accurate. Can I just ask fellow Sense 2 users for their experiences? Is it worth the money? I want a watch with an extremely accurate HR monitor and step counter and excellent GPS.
Is it worth buying? Would you recommend a different watch?
04-01-2023 11:15
04-01-2023 11:15
"Extremely accurate HR" - that is definitely not a definition of Sense 2. Mind that even other watches may struggle during exercise so if you want to have very high level of accuracy then better get watch with ability to pair to external HR sensors like chest straps (which tend to be extremely accurate). Then at least you have choice. Fitbit won't give you that.
GPS isn't too bad, it has its moods but most of times accuracy is satisfying (when it works and not dropping connection). Mind that I mean hear mapping accuracy. Distance is a different story and for step-based activities I find it not only inaccurate but often inconsistent.
Steps tracking - I don't know, I don't pay any attention to steps.