03-11-2021 09:19
03-11-2021 09:19
I love my Sense - best piece of tech ever from Fitbit. Only thing lacking is a recovery score a la Whoop. I have no idea how to use the stress score for planning exercise or how to use and interpret its component scores for sleep, heart and fatigue. Also don’t see good explanation anywhere on how heart responsiveness is calculated - on days where my RHR is low and HRV is high, the heart response score isn’t that great. That doesn’t make a lot of “sense”.
04-10-2021 07:19
04-10-2021 07:19
without band the metrics are of no value , cause the heartrate are to of , also fitbits heartrate is not acurate ,
04-10-2021 07:31
04-10-2021 07:31
EH? you said earlier that it was a bonus for Fitbit that it tracked the heartrate now you're saying it's not accurate!! You can't on one hand say you use the resting heartrate to see how you feel and get a flavour of how to recover and on the other say they're of no value as they're not accurate!
04-10-2021 07:31
04-10-2021 07:31
Hi, what's the app please?
04-10-2021 08:04
04-10-2021 08:04
I say , go with you feeling , and compare it wit the numbers , don’t go with the numbers .
look at the changes with how you feel .
heartrate isn’t accurate , not on Fitbit or other device , but if the changes are out of normality, there you must look at ,
exemple , if I use polar strap h10 to measure my resting heartrate, it gives me 56 , Fitbit 65 , the h10 strap is accurate cause it’s ecg measurement, but Fitbit’s , the numbers are not accurate , but if , the other day , it says 70 , then I know I need a rest day , even if it’s not accurate , also Fitbit uses graphs to let see the changes over time . The numbers are not accurate, but thé changes says a lot .
04-10-2021 08:16
04-10-2021 08:16
Garmin also use graphs as i'm sure Polar and Suunto do as well.