04-16-2022 06:42
04-16-2022 06:42
I have been a fit bit fan for a long time I started with just a flex then graduated to a surge then to a Versa 2. I had my Versa 2 for a very short 2 years and then it stopped working after a softwere updat. I was really sad and contected support as I needed a watch for work and I would rather have my fitbit then some "normal" watch. Sadly my versa 2 was out of worrenty (big shock) so I was left with the financhal burdon of buying a new watch. My amazing boyfreind chipped in to help me buy the Sence. I am not happy! 1st issue it came with only the rubber wristbands that couse irritation to my skin. Not like my Versa 2 that came with the woven wrist bands. (The wristbands I have for the versa are not compatible with the Sence). 2nd issue when ever I look at my watch to get the time its displaying something about the voice control ( some feture I am not using at this point) and not the time or my states and I have to fight the watch for what I want to see. 3rd issue I have had the watch for a week and have been extremly carful with it since I feel like I spent alot of money on it and my watch face already has scraches?!?!?!? What the accual hec fitbit my Versa 2 that I have worn nearly every day for the last 2 years didnt have this problem. I am concidering returning the device and buying a samsung smart watch instead. Very dissapointed and had I known the screen was this fragile I would have bought some type of screen protector when I got the watch and put it on imedeatly. Sad sad day. You spend alot of money on something and you want it to feel good and look nice. Just very dissipointed
04-16-2022 11:06
04-16-2022 11:06
Hi @Qupid - It is glass and shouldn't scratch.
Can you take it back to where you bought it for a refund while it's still new [under warranty] ?
Try swipe the face to the right to get to Quick Settings and make sure that wrist actions is enabled, and sleep, do not disturb and always on are not enabled.
You can get all sorts of bands quite cheaply online.
Author | ch, passion for improvement.
04-16-2022 12:14
04-16-2022 15:36
04-16-2022 15:36
04-16-2022 15:39
04-16-2022 15:39