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Any others wake super early?

This has been a bit of a torture for me, I wake every morning 7 days per week between 4-5am usually.  And when I wake that is me, no going back to sleep.  


It doesn't matter if I go to bed at 9pm or 2am I will wake same time.

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I feel your pain @dave_in_ni 


I actually have to get up at 5 to work out before work (otherwise no workout --- and then I'm up at 2 in the morning for at least 2 hours!!!!!) 


I find that sticking to a daily early morning routine helps some (although on a good night, I'm awake for 45-60 min in the middle of the night). 


I have a trick to help me get back to sleep. Since I like bowling, I lie in bed and vividly picture myself taking my ball of the ball return, putting my fingers in the holes, taking my stance and taking my approach to the lane, backswing and all. I picture the release and the ball rolling toward the pins, hooking on its way and - BAM!!! Strike! 

Usually I'm asleep by the time I get to my 3rd "frame." This also helps me get back to sleep. You can do this with anything - a favorite sport, or whatever you want to envision success or pleasure with as you prepare for sleep. 

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I actually used to do a similar visualisation thing. I’d be back on the basketball court in high school shooting 3 pointers, they’d all go in no matter what angle, and I’d get the satisfying swoosh of the net. I don’t know but something comforting about it or something. I used to really love basketball as a kid.

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That’s exactly it, @dave_in_ni ! Try that when you’re awake too early. See if that gets you back to sleep easier. 

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I started waking early - with an alarm when I was 13 years old (I'm 76 now) because I had a morning paper route. I've never gotten out of the habit. Starting in my 20's I woke, like you, around 5AM without an alarm. I worried about it until I read an article in a business magazine from someone who simply accepted it and used the morning time to accomplish necessary tasks, and to enjoy the morning - I especially enjoyed New England summer mornings. I simply learned to live with being an ultimate morning person.


I haven't used an alarm for decades, and as I've grown older my wake time has gradually  become later. It may be best to accept that you're a morning person and enjoy the wake time, possibly adjusting the time you go to bed to make sure you get enough sleep. Now I wake between 5:30 and 6, walk about 3 miles, make breakfast, always oatmeal in the winter and read or keep my journal until my wife wakes up at about 7:30. I think "morning people" are happier because they are happy to wake up and enjoy mornings. 


Enjoy yourself and make the best of who you are!

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Interesting topic everyone! 


I'm used to wake up very early as well, usually around 4:00 - 4:30 in the morning. 


I've also developed that natural alarm you were talking about, and I now wake up at the same time everyday without using the alarm on my phone. 


I changed my schedule at work for a little while to the night shift, but I still woke up the same time. 😁 😪

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Are you actually tired when you wake?

I'm naturally a short sleeper, 4/5 hours is enough to keep me full of energy throughout the day. If you're not tired and feel great, then enjoy the extra waking hours 🙂




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No not initially tired but an hour later yes I am, probably couldn't sleep
again though. I've used the early waking to workout
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I usually wake up at 3 in the morning.  These are the things I do to fall back to sleep - First, I try counting.  If that doesn't work, I try clearing my mind and think of nothing (it is hard to do and takes practice but really helps).  

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I used to feel very tired if I didn't sleep around 7-8 hours a day, but ever since I started going to the gym, I've actually felt more energized and active during the day and it's easier for me to fall asleep when I go to bed as well. 


I remember it used to be very hard for me to wake up in the morning, I probably turned off the alarm around 5 times before I would actually wake up 😂, but those days are gone. 😎

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I'm 76 and I've been an early waker since I was a teen. I naturally woke at about 5am and never had to use an alarm. I used those few hours before my wife woke to walk,read,  get some extra work done both for my job and around the house, and occasionally I would help someone rise early so I could drive them to the airport.


But now that I'm in my 70's I find that I'm waking a little later, sometimes as late as 6:30. I learned to go with the flow decades ago and I"m retired now so I simply get up when I wake up. I love the morning quiet and all the time I have to myself. I still get a lot done.

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That's a good advice @BruceM, thank you for sharing. 


My goal is to be able to get to the point where I go with the flow and just wake up more naturally, while still being able to get a few things done in the morning. I've just gotten used to waking up to an alarm over the years. 🛌

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I decide not to wear the Fitbit to be anymore. It added unnecessary stress
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I'm retired and l do get up the same time as you .Get up and start your day and you'll feel better .Exercise , check your e-mail, have coffee , go for a walk ,eat ,go to work . Your best time of the day is in the morning ,especially in the summer . You got all the space by yourself with nobody around . Eventually you,ll get tired and go to bed early and have a good long night sleep Sweet dream 

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That's very true @dlandry, I do get tired earlier and sleep a lot better if I wake up early in the morning, plus I have so much time to get things done throughout the day. 🛌 🤓

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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The early birds get the worm and l add ...the sun the birds singing
,quietness ...

Donald Landry
Dieppe N.B
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Thanks for sharing @dlandry😀 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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A few years back, I stumbled across an article that described how in the past (before electric lighting), it was quite normal to be awake for a couple of hours in the middle of the night, using the time for activities such as checking on animals, visiting neighbours, and getting frisky. Reading it, I realized that it was describing what would be an ideal situation for me. 

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I am a night owl and it's very difficult to wake up early. I am trying to force myself to wake-up early like around 6-7 am, managed to do that 2 days and I am already feeling better.  



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Hi Amelia P  When you get up early you get to bed early and most of the time you sleep better and awake early...On and awhile l do stay up very late but my mental alarm is still on early....That's when an afternoon snooze is need...zzzzz Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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