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Redesigned Sleep experience now in the Fitbit app

Hi everyone! Starting today, you may notice a new sleep experience in your Fitbit app. If you don't have it right away, please be patient as it can take some time to reach all users. 

Check out what’s new by going to the Fitbit Community blog

What do you think? Let us know!


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Right, I was not updating automatically and I still had the old version but then I did a software update and boom it’s gone. 
I will say I’m getting more used to it and there’s a few good parts..  it’s just that main graph it doesn’t look as good or expand but I’m not gonna hijack my phone to not upgrade for this. I can still see the old version on a web browser. 
Rebecca still hasn’t been back on the forums since May 9! That’s her last active date. 

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I hope you bring back the old version. This one is hard to read. I can't get the information that I want anymore. I liked it when you could tap on the tabel and than it opened on a new screen where you could find detailed information. 

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Please bring back the old format!

This format is completely useless.  I have been trying to get used to it thinking that I just needed time to adapt.  I have not liked any of the app changes that have been made. If things are not corrected to be useful and user friendly I will be searching for a new product - not a Fitbit!

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Remember, everyone, no response IS a response. Loud and clear.

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Hate it.  Please go back to the old one.

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This new sleep interface is absolutly horrible!  Did anyone do any beta testing on it before changing to this garbage?  If this is the kind of "improvements" Fitbit is making,  I'm giving up on Fitbit and going to buy an Apple Watch.

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I hate it, it always starts at 3am… I’m not just starting sleep at 3am! And it doesn’t track naps either, Like you said, no color either. Wish I could go back. Instead I’m just going to look for an Apple Watch.

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It's the worst update ever!!
Hard to read, won't go to landscape and I absolutely HATE it. Please allow us to have access to the old version. If this stays I will be looking for a different device.

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You can download the Sept 8th, 2023 version as an Ayy pee kay from ay pee kay mirror.  Install it and turn off auto update, and your sleep function will be back to normal!

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I wish I knew what you are telling me to do.

Is the ayy pee kay something within the Fitbit app? Is there a setting in the Fitbit app to turn off auto updates? Is ayy pee kay a separate app? Is the mirror function within same app?
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For the past 2 day, syncing hasn't logged any of my sleep.
If I put the times in manually, it eventually shows the time in 3 stages.  Awake, Restless. Asleep.  That's it!  Ridiculous!!!!!!

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Is anyone else getting all their sleep stages?  Deep, Light, REM, Awake
The last 2 days, my sleep doesn't sync. I know approx what time I go to sleep, so I manually input that...then get Awake, Restless, Asleep.  No sleep score, no benchmark.  I'm wondering if I'm the only one.  Certainly the sleep data should populate with syncing. 

Are they making this a premium option? If so, why don't they tell us? Oh, that's right, they're not responding to anything!!!!!

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There's a good Reddit guide in what to do. 

The thing you mention is like the install file for the app. So once you've uninstalled the current app you can download this thing from a website that storea lots of old versions of apps, and manually install the old app again. It's quite easy thankfully, and I can confirm it works and doesn't affect past data.



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Sadly, you are right! It’s a complete disaster 

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The new sleep display is terrible. It is harder to read. I just saw a post on Reddit from a doctor who said he has to look at data all day long. The nicely displayed data makes his job easier. The poorly displayed wastes time. The doctor put the new Fitbit app sleep display in poorly displayed category. If there is not a way to get the previous user friendly display back, I will be looking at other fitness trackers. Anyone else feel this way?

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(Got in touch w chat just to find a way to give feedback): I just wanted to report that the new interface (the new white and purple setup) is so much more difficult for me to use, see, and understand than the original blue. When you hit your sleep goal with the old one the moon would even give you a smiley face. I preferred the old setup much better.  In fact, when I originally woke up to find this new format I almost immediately searched for an email address to share the feedback of how much I instantly disliked this.  Yeah yeah, no one likes change-but I’ve given it a little while now and I like it less and less every day.  Also, it seems like my sleep log is a little off since the update.  Many nights my sleep doesn’t get logged until I’ve already been asleep for an hour or so.  Please give us a chance to use the old interface.


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Pretty much every one feels the same. 

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Wish they would listen and change it back or “evolve” it better!

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New update overnight on mine—sleep stages are gone now. 

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I DO NOT like the new tracker. I would like the old one back. Why did you mess with somehting that was working just fine? Just yeaterday the old one showed up but now this morning it"s gone again. I think most of the people agree that they like the old tracker better.How about making your clients happy.

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