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Sleep Benchmark

My Charge 2 sleep graph does not show benchmarks.  How do I access on desktop?

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Hi @HIM46,


Which fitbit app are you using?

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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It's the dashboard on my laptop with which I sync everyday.
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OK, thanks. Is it the iOS app or the Windows app?


If you're using the web dashboard and a browser, the benchmarks don't appear. Only in the app.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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OK, inside the app, under the sleep section, should looks something like below. Next to 30 Day Avg is Benchmark.




More details can be found here.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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Thanks for your perserverance on this.  When I click on the sleep tile, I get the vertical bar graphs showing hours slept over a week month or year depending on what is selected.  Below that is a choice of horizontal bars for last night and then each previous night.  When I select any night, I get a very nice horizontal line chart showing progression from light to deep to REM etc., over the course of the night.  Below that is the horizontal multicolored bar chart showing total time in each stage.  No benchmark is showing as is shown in the "help" section and no choice of time periods for that chart. So, I get the different colored sleep stage info for myself but no "hashmark" showing benchmark for my age and gender!!??
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Well, my friend, I'm stumped why Benchmark isn't showing up.


I only use the Android and Windows apps, so it's possible there's something different in the iOS one or some kind of glitch?


Other than making sure the app is updated, or trying to reinstall the app, I'm not sure what's going on. So I'll defer to a community member who's more knowledgeable about Fitbit and iOS.

If we can't answer it here, feel free to open a ticket with Fitbit Support.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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Thanks for your efforts.  Loaded the fitbit app in my android phone and it works like a charm including benchmarks.  Don't know why the dashboard on my macbook air works differently but it does.  Problem solved, at least for me.



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