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Strava - Automatically imported GPS data is incomplete

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I have experienced the following three times now. It seems the data automatically imported to Strava from my Fitbit Sense 2 is incomplete. Below are screenshots of the same activity from the Fitbit app and the Strava app. As can be seen, the GPS data seem to be cut-off after a short while in Strava. Last time I experienced this I could fix it by manually exporting the GPS data from Fitbit and manually importing it into Strava. It seems the three times this has happened was when I started a new activity shortly after ending another one. Not sure if this is related. Has anyone experienced something similar? Is there a way to fix it? It is quite impractical to have to manually verify and fix such cases. Thanks!



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I'm experiencing the exact same thing with every activity for the past few days

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This is happening to me too. GPS activities recorded on the Fitbit show up correctly in the Fitbit app but are truncated in Strava. This started happening sometime between July 5 and July 18 (i.e. a walk on July 4 synced fine to Strava, but my next activity on July 18 was truncated). I have now experienced this two days in a row and the only fix is to export to .tcx and manually upload to Strava.

OP says this is happening when starting a new activity shortly after ending another activity. This was not the case for me. Both times I've had incomplete data sync to Strava, it was the only recorded activity for that day. So I think the bug occurs regardless of whether other activities were recorded in close succession.

Weirdly, even though the GPS data is truncated, the total mileage and walk duration sync correctly. No idea what is happening here but it is clear that the problem is on the Fitbit side. Please fix!

(I have an Inspire 3. I have logged out, cleared cache, and logged back in to both Fitbit and Strava apps. I have disconnected and reconnected the Fitbit-Strava linkage. I have restarted the Fitbit device itself. I have rebooted my phone.)

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me too...I have been using Strava with FitBit since 2020 and never had this problem. In the last week, it has happened 6 times. I'm using a Charge 5 and none of the times was I starting an activity shortly after ending another one. 

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I did a bike ride over the weekend and that one synced correctly to Strava.  No truncation -- the entire ride was captured. I had even paused and resumed the ride several times.

But then did a walk tonight and it's incomplete again.  Maybe this bug only affects walks?

If anybody from Fitbit/Google is reading this I'm happy to share screenshots privately if it would help. Or if there is any debugging I could turn on that would help you solve this, please chime in.

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I had one walk work and another that didn't and one run that worked along with the many that dropped. I haven't tried biking yet, but I suspect that it doesn't depend on type of activity. This worked fine for many years and now it fails a majority of the time. What changed?

Also, where are the moderators? Usually, there is at least some response that acknowledges they have seen the message. 


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The same happens to me since mid of July, using a Charge 5. About 1.6km are correct at Strava and then the track stops but all the other days are correct.

There is discussion already at the Strava community, but they say that Fitbit do all the stuff with uploading the data and they don't change or alter the data in any kind. So maybe something was changed at Fitbit side.

Can someone from Fitbit please check this and give some feedback.


Here is the link to the Strava thread

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Thanks for all the replies! It helps to at least know I am not alone with these issues. Yesterday I experienced a walk not being uploaded at all. I hope someone at Fitbit will have a look at it soon.

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I am getting the exact same issue at July 18th too, data is correct but map is incorrect. Has to be imported manually to work correctly. Using a fitbit charge 5

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Same here sense 2, for walks, mountain bike, road cycle and hikes. 

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I started having this exact issue a couple of weeks ago as well with my Charge 6 that always works in uploading data to Strava, but now about 50% of the time (or more) the map just shows just a little bit of the beginning of my 13-mile daily ride. The mileage is correct, but Strava claims they aren't getting the data they need to display the map. It's really messing me up because my segments are not getting tracked anymore because ... something went wrong somewhere recently. One party or the other changed something and it broke. I wish someone would own it, or at least fix it. 

I am attaching 3 rides from this week. Ride 1 shows a truncated map. Ride 2 which was after Ride 1 is entierly correct. But then Ride Three which was today again shows a truncated map in what appears to be exactly the same location.

I also had a ride 2 days ago that completed on my Fitbit perfectly. The summary screen showed the details, but it didn't come across to Strava and when I went to my Fitbit app to find it, it was gone. It never came back. So Fitbit lost it after I stopped the Ride and saw the summary screen on my Fitbit. 

In any case this sucks because I have never lost a ride or data for the last two years, and now it is most days.Ride 1 - Incorrect.jpgRide 2 - Correct.jpgRide 3 - Incorrect.jpg

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This has been up a week and not a single response from the moderators--not even the standard cut and paste statements. I'm beginning to think the moderators aren't actively monitoring the third party integration threads.Has anyone tried posting on any of the device threads? I could post on the Charge 5 site, but I get the feeling that they are trying to wipe that model from our collective memories.

If we don't hear anything soon, I might start posting things here that typically get the moderators attention like other brands of trackers, moderator policies and profanities

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I'm thinking this is my final straw with Fitbit. I've had my fair share of issues with my Versa over the years (including my screen just popping off recently), but between this issue and the removal of the web dashboard, I'm looking to switch away.

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Mine worked today--albeit for just a short run. Did anyone else test it today? Is it fixed or did I just get lucky?

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I have experienced this issue with 3 of 4 ~10km walks I have logged with my FitBit device since July 20. I have logged other walks of similar length with a Garmin device and the issue does not occur.

Other notes:

- the full GPS track does appear in the FitBit app itself
- the whole of activitty statistics such as distance and time are correct
- the corresponding HR time series is complete in Strava and as is the pace timeseries

So the issue appears to be a software error or a logic error that is specific to the GPS timeseries and specifically with respect to the synchronisation of that timeseries with Strava.

This one of those frustrating problems that gets buried beneath months and months on inaction and diversionary redirects to completely irrelevant help articles that have nothing whatsoever to do with the root cause of the issue. Eventually a FitBit executive who is personally inconvenienced by the issue will task someone to look at it and a solution will be found

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Exactly the same issue for a few weeks now - Charge 5 Device

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Here's an image that demonstrates the issue for me:


To any moderator/support person reading this please note these very important notes:

- it is NOT a failure to sync-at-all issue
- it is NOT a failure to sync any time series data issue (HR data is synced. Pace data is synced)
- it is NOT a failure of the device to capture the data - the FitBit app clearly shows that the data is captured.
- it is a FAILURE to sync more than the first `1km or 10 minutes of GPS track data with Strava
- there are no reports anywhere of this issue affecting devices that are not FitBit devices. I also have a Garmin device - it is UNAFFECTED.
- this IS a recent issue that probably arose sometime in mid July but (perhaps) before
- it IS affecting multiple people as this and other posts and reddit articles attest to
- NOT ONE of the existing help articles deals with this issue SPECIFICALLY  - please DO NOT WASTE OUR TIME referring us to those

According the iOS app store I have:

- the latest FitBit app installed (v 4.22)
- the latest Strava app installed (v 369.0.1)
- version 128..6.17 of the Sense firmware installed (not that this matters because as we have already shown, the problem lies in the FitBit/Strava integeration and definitely NOT in the FitBit device itself)

I have, in any case, rebooted the FitBit device which, of course, made no difference whatsoever to the problem since it IS NOT a device firmware issue

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Here's a snapshot of the recent version history of both the FitBit and Strava iOS App versions.

From what I can determined, the problem was introduced with v4.21 (or perhaps v4.20) of the FitBit app or some version of the Strava app after v366.0


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I'm curious if others are still experiencing these issues. Yesterday, I had my second consecutive successful run where it loaded the GPS properly into Strava. Maybe it has been fixed or maybe I just got lucky twice, but prior to that it was failing almost every time since the 18th or July.

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Have had this on and off for a few weeks. and it happened today.

This is made even harder to fix since the removal of dashboard on web page. 

Deleting the Strava and then export and importing from fit bit to Stava on a mobile phone is rather hard, but the data is then correct in Strava.

I Have done this on 1 ride today and have few more to do if i can be bothered.

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