09-11-2024 14:02
09-11-2024 14:02
Hi, should I throw away my versa4, which replaced my versa3, which replaced my Ionic, and leave fitbit for another competitor? Or should I wait a minute to let fitbit reinstate spotify, google assistant amongs other apps into it?!?
Let down and but-**ahem**ed customer
09-12-2024 06:50
09-12-2024 06:50
Hello @Petrix and welcome to the Community. First, I want to say that nobody understands why Fitbit/Google didn't put Google Assistant on their own product. Second, Fitbit added YouTube Music control to the Versa 4 in a recent firmware update. Google owns YouTube. Other useful apps, like the Agenda app were also omitted. The Versa 4 was released almost two years ago, the typical cycle for Fitbits. Fitbit just released a firmware update for the Versa 4/Sense 2. They haven't added these features in two years, so things don't look promising. Only you can decide what to do with your Versa 4.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
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