10-07-2018 02:08
10-07-2018 02:08
I am in India and no one knows when Charge 3 will be released here. I was planning to buy it from Amazon.com paying the extra delivery charges. The total price comes almost to the price of Versa in India. I was actually okay with it. Now, I see negative reviews for Charge 3 in the forums. I am in a dilemma now. Should I buy Versa or Charge 3? Mainly, how is HR monitor in Versa compared to Charge 3?
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
10-08-2018 05:12
10-08-2018 05:12
It's great to see you around @MadBit.
If you want to compare these two devices, I recommend clicking here. There you will be able to compare the products you want and see which of them meet your needs.
I hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else.
10-08-2018 05:12
10-08-2018 05:12
10-13-2018 10:33
10-13-2018 10:33
Thank you! I've bought Versa.
10-13-2018 23:22
10-13-2018 23:22
I know it's late but the sensors on both devices are the same I believe. I would not purchase versa or charge 3 right now as both have issues. I own Versa and only today I had to reset/downgrade/perform magic tricks 5 times. I would wait until versa can actually perform. I also have charge 2 and honestly... It's the most stable Fitbit I own.
10-14-2018 03:22
10-14-2018 03:22
I was in the same dilemma (but not because of cost), upgrading from a worn-out Charge 2 to either Charge 3 or Versa. I also wondered about the heartbeat sensor system: allthough all fitbits use the same principle, none actually seem to have the exact same sensor hardware. That makes comparing difficult and you don't know what to expect.
Reviews on the Charge 3 hearbeat sensor where not all good (some ppl suggesting the green LED is not as strong as on the other models, to save battery power, but with poorer tracking). I didn't like the formfactor of the Charge 3 (rather 'round' on the back) and the terrible clockfaces (that was a no), so went for the Versa. Here the Versa is only 15US$ more expensive than the Charge 3 with NFC.
Well, bummer. While the Charge 2 heartbeat was always spot on (checked many times on treadmill and ellipitical), the Versa gave many ridiculous readings, up to 190 when my max is around 160, and as low as 100 when it was close to 140. That is really disappointing. One reason may be that the larger surface area may capture more sweat that 'clogs' the sensor. Maybe that is why the Charge 3 is roundish on the bottom, to get as much free space and air close to the sensor?
Other than that I like the Versa a lot. Syncing has troubles too, but I believe that is the same for Charge 3. Never had problems with Charge 2.
Add to this that
- swimmode does not work for open water
- SFO2 sensor not used by any software (yet)
- Excercise custom settings keep resetting after each manual sync
And in reality I feel I have a very expensive stepcounter with some added features that sort of work.
In all the Charge 2 is still by far the most robust. I probably go back to it again 🙂
10-15-2018 11:26
10-15-2018 11:26
Thanks. I agree, Versa is not perfect
10-15-2018 11:37
10-15-2018 11:37
Thank you. I've been using Versa for the past three days. It looks like it has some issues. Clearly, syncing is not working as expected. HR monitor shows some number when the watch is not worn (may be it's an issue with the clock face). This is my first fitbit let alone a fitness tracker, so can't measure the HR accuracy with another device.
10-15-2018 20:42
10-15-2018 20:42
I remember pulling hair out when I bought Charge HR and Charge 2. From my experience it takes 6-8 months for Fitbit to iron out all the bugs. Hopefully stable OS versions will resolve the issues we are having.
@lenny4d I also noticed that my exercise mode settings on the watch get reset all the time. What do you mean by manual sync? Yours don't get reset when versa syncs automatically?
10-16-2018 02:51
10-16-2018 02:51
>> I remember pulling hair out when I bought Charge HR and Charge 2
@MarrrmadukeI bought a Charge 2 1.5yrs ago and it always has been very stable and accurate. Never upgraded the firmware, and until recently never upgraded the App (didn't see the need for it). I am on Android 5.x I checked heartbeat and calories many times against readings from treadmill and ellipitical and always found them accurate (within 5%).
>> I also noticed that my exercise mode settings on the watch get reset all the time. What do you mean by manual sync? Yours don't get reset when versa syncs automatically?
There is another thread about it. Yes the custom settings (the ones you set with the little toothweel in upper left corner of the exercise mode on the watch before you start the exercise), these are not sticky and reset definitively after a forced/manual sync and/or after restarting the app etc. I have not tested all permutations. Many people report this bug. It may or not may be solved by the latest OS that is being rolled out as we speak I have which was installed a week ago when I set up the device for the first time...
10-16-2018 17:32
10-16-2018 17:32
My take on the Versa versus the Charge 3, and also versus the Ionic is very, very simple: Certainly with the Charge 3, and most likely with the Ionic, the shape and size of the Versa's screen will allow you to see more "data" on screen, depending upon the clock face you use. I own both the Ionic and the Versa (I tried the Versa and never looked back), and here's a good for-instance: I have used the same clock face on both the Ionic and the Versa. On the Ionic, the face showed two data pieces (say, steps and miles) at the top of the screen, while the Versa shows four data pieces (say, add BPM and battery percentage), with an additional two pieces at the bottom of the screen. If you want to see more of your "statistics" or whatever, the Versa will usually let you see more than the others. That's certainly why I have been using the Versa instead of the Ionic.
10-16-2018 21:51 - edited 10-16-2018 21:53
10-16-2018 21:51 - edited 10-16-2018 21:53
Thanks for the clarification @lenny4d Yes, my settings reset as well. At least I'm not alone, I guess. I do fear any new updates/upgrades. I got both Charge HR and Charge 2 when they just came out so perhaps that's the reason why I was plagued with sync issues. Both devices were pretty accurate though. Both heart rate and steps. I like my versa but I am growing tired of continuous shutting down and pairing / unpairing. Also, the last stable version of the mobile app for me seems to be 2.74. I would like new features like custom emojis but my versa does not work with the newest version of the app.
10-28-2018 06:52
10-28-2018 06:52
Hi everyone. Thank you for sharing your experiences with either the Versa, Ionic and Charge 2 and 3. This information is quite helpful and I am sure that it will help other members in the same situation. As many have mentioned there is a difference on the screens real state with both the Versa and Charge 3. In this regard I personally prefer the Versa but I used a Charge 2 for almost 2 years and was quite happy with the "simplicity" of the device. If you are interested in more advance features then the Versa is the way to go but if you just want to keep track of your daily activity without more complications then the Charge 3 could be the option you are looking for. Still let me know what you end up getting.
Keep me posted!
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10-28-2018 09:32
10-28-2018 09:32
Its too similar. The screen on charge 3 is worst. Its more like fitness band. Versa has very nice screen you can view it clearly outdoor also in bright sun, but you can't do much more (on versa vs charge 3) except than use fitbit os apps which currently are not much useful (still in baby condition) and to be honest i dont use any app. I own the versa it works fine and im happy althought i dont use any of the "smartwatch" features. If i had to pick between versa or charge 3 i would again pick versa. Charge 3 also costs less than versa and thats fair in my opinion.
11-24-2018 10:05
11-24-2018 10:05
@mikecyprus wrote:Its too similar. The screen on charge 3 is worst. Its more like fitness band. Versa has very nice screen you can view it clearly outdoor also in bright sun, but you can't do much more (on versa vs charge 3) except than use fitbit os apps which currently are not much useful (still in baby condition) and to be honest i dont use any app. I own the versa it works fine and im happy althought i dont use any of the "smartwatch" features. If i had to pick between versa or charge 3 i would again pick versa. Charge 3 also costs less than versa and thats fair in my opinion.
I was undecided myself. Still have a working Blaze that needs charging every two days. With the Sales right now, figure pick up a backup so there is no gap in my numbers when the Blaze does need retiring. Costco has the Versa only $15 more than the Charge 3 right now, so thought that's the better deal?
11-24-2018 17:42
11-24-2018 17:42
@MarkMM If you love features of your Blaze, go with Versa. Don't get me wrong, I love my CH3, but I wouldn't give up Versa. 😄 Music control, smartwatch features, apps, and awesome display...
11-25-2018 04:31
11-25-2018 04:31
I agree with @Marrrmaduke above. Design-wise, I really like the Versa. It is also very comfortable to wear. Unfortunately as a fitness tracker (heart-rate) it has some serious issues (as have the other newer fitbit models).
11-25-2018 09:30
11-25-2018 09:30
@lenny4d Hmm I actually have both Versa and CH3 and haven't had HR issues so far. It is true there are users in this forum reporting some problems, but happy people do not seek help here. 😊 So, I wouldn't necessarily treat the forum as a good representation of Fitbit users population. 😊 Perhaps @MarkMM can test Versa. There's always a return period.
11-25-2018 10:57
11-25-2018 10:57
For sure I will @Marrrmaduke. Can't go wrong with Costco I think. Only $135.00, 90 days return period, and Satisfaction guarantee. That's enough motivation to ignore the nay sayers and give it a test myself. And thanks for the replies. 👍
11-25-2018 11:00
11-25-2018 11:00
@Marrrmaduke Although this thread was created for Ionic, there are similar ones for CH3 and for Versa https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Ionic/Ionic-s-tracking-of-heart-rate/m-p/3014873#M73131
I am now wearing my Versa on my left wrist, CH2 on my right, and sometimes the HR are similar, most often they are very different, and in fact it is across the HR range. I had Versa on 70 and CH2 on 110, and similarly 110 and 150. The latter (CH2) numbers guarateed more accurate. I will check again on the treadmill with the electrode HR readings. I did that many times for my CH2 never had a difference of significance. With the Versa it is hit and miss. I have done the experimenting with tightness of wristband, and the position relative to wrist. Note that the heart-rate HW is quite different between CH2 and Versa/CH3.
11-25-2018 11:07
11-25-2018 11:07
Thanks for the heads up Lenny. So the single flashing light isn't apparently working out well?