05-30-2015 04:59
05-30-2015 04:59
We've been notified that one of our subscriber endpoints has been disabled.
Checking the logs there are a lot of "ConnectionTimeoutException" and "UnknownHostException" on our endpoint. These do not correlate with any network or system load issues at our end.
Our mean response delivery time is 550ms, but there are an increasing number of these exceptions occuring, totally 180 of the last 1000.
Last time this happened was May 7 and the issue proved to be at fitbit's end as per this thread (submitted by an unrelated developer) - https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Web-API/API-failures-starting-at-615AM-on-5-7-15/m-p/777790#M1946
For now I've re-enabled our endpoint, as our system appears to be processing this perfectly, please advice if there is any further action I need to take.
05-30-2015 07:45
05-30-2015 07:45
We're seeing the same issue here
05-30-2015 10:18
05-30-2015 10:18
Please see http://status.fitbit.com/