04-04-2016 18:23
04-04-2016 18:23
Hi Fitbit Gurus,
My app has been granted intraday activity access for our study cohort. Many thanks.
The API GET endpoint is not obvious from my reading of the docs.
I would presume that
GET /1/user/[user-id]/activities/steps/date/[date]/1d/1m.json
(where user-id is the fitbit userID who has previously granted access to this resource)
woiuld do the trick, but this gives me a list of daily step counts for that user for the last month, i.e.
{"dateTime":"2016-03-09","value":"16411"}, etc
Would it be possible to know the API GET endpoint that will let me have activity intraday time series for my app please ?
Tony Barry
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
04-04-2016 18:51
04-04-2016 18:51
The correct API GET endpoint for partner data was
GET /1/user/[user-id]/activities/steps/date/[date]/1d/1min.json"
Too easy. Thanks to Fitbit.
Tony Barry
04-04-2016 18:51
04-04-2016 18:51
The correct API GET endpoint for partner data was
GET /1/user/[user-id]/activities/steps/date/[date]/1d/1min.json"
Too easy. Thanks to Fitbit.
Tony Barry