04-04-2016 21:36 - edited 04-04-2016 22:20
04-04-2016 21:36 - edited 04-04-2016 22:20
Hi Fitbit people,
My app has been working with oAuth 2.0 for some months. Today (about two hours ago) I had the occasion to reauthorise a user to allow my app to read his data, but it did not work.
I do get a proper code fragment returned in the browser URL bar from the authorisation step (and delivered to my web component).
Unfortunately, the code fragment no longer works when I submit it to the POST at https://www.fitbit.com/oauth2/authorize?
"errors":[{"errorType":"invalid_request","message":"Redirect_uri mismatch: null. Visit https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/oauth2 for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."}],"success":false
This code was working a couple of days ago.
Are there any recent changes in this arena, or any API system components which are "down" just now ?
Tony Barry
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
04-04-2016 22:30
04-04-2016 22:30
Right. Fitbit tightened up on their input sanitising (which is good) but in the process my code died (which is bad) because I sent a malformed POST, with the header
"redirect_uri=" which should have been
I also had my uri written as
"https%3A%2F%2Fwww.integ..." instead of
which used to work but does no longer.
Hope this helps others.
Tony Barry
04-04-2016 23:14 - edited 04-05-2016 05:46
04-04-2016 23:14 - edited 04-05-2016 05:46
Hi Jeremiah,
Sure. Here is the POST that worked, with the bits that failed in comments. Using cURL and a nice wrapper for Xojo, to make it easy for the unwashed masses like me to understand.
dim c as new CURL
c.URL = "https://api.fitbit.com/oauth2/token"
c.verbose = true
c.ASynchronous = true
c.Method = c.kmethodPOST
dim authField as string
authField = "Basic " + EncodeBase64(inClientID + ":" + inClientSecret)
c.addHeader("Authorization", authField)
c.addData("client_id", inClientID)
c.addData("grant_type", "authorization_code")
dim redirectURI as string
//redirectURI = "https%3A%2F%2Fwww.integ..."
redirectURI = "https://www.integ..."
//c.addData("redirect_uri=", redirectURI)
c.addData("redirect_uri", redirectURI)
c.addData("code", inToken)
Tony Barry
Sydney Australia
04-04-2016 22:30
04-04-2016 22:30
Right. Fitbit tightened up on their input sanitising (which is good) but in the process my code died (which is bad) because I sent a malformed POST, with the header
"redirect_uri=" which should have been
I also had my uri written as
"https%3A%2F%2Fwww.integ..." instead of
which used to work but does no longer.
Hope this helps others.
Tony Barry
04-04-2016 23:02
04-04-2016 23:02
Can you clarify the exact POST request you were making?
redirect_uri shouldn't be in the header, but body. Form parameter values must always been encoded.
04-04-2016 23:14 - edited 04-05-2016 05:46
04-04-2016 23:14 - edited 04-05-2016 05:46
Hi Jeremiah,
Sure. Here is the POST that worked, with the bits that failed in comments. Using cURL and a nice wrapper for Xojo, to make it easy for the unwashed masses like me to understand.
dim c as new CURL
c.URL = "https://api.fitbit.com/oauth2/token"
c.verbose = true
c.ASynchronous = true
c.Method = c.kmethodPOST
dim authField as string
authField = "Basic " + EncodeBase64(inClientID + ":" + inClientSecret)
c.addHeader("Authorization", authField)
c.addData("client_id", inClientID)
c.addData("grant_type", "authorization_code")
dim redirectURI as string
//redirectURI = "https%3A%2F%2Fwww.integ..."
redirectURI = "https://www.integ..."
//c.addData("redirect_uri=", redirectURI)
c.addData("redirect_uri", redirectURI)
c.addData("code", inToken)
Tony Barry
Sydney Australia
04-04-2016 23:20
04-04-2016 23:20
Thanks, @tonybarry. That makes more sense. I think most cURL libraries handle the parameter value assignment and URI/form encoding, so I think you're correct that double assignment characters and double encoded values were being sent. I'm surprised that ever worked!
04-04-2016 23:27
04-04-2016 23:27
Hi Jeremiah,
Yes, well it worked before. Very nicely.
Now it's fixed I can go back to developing the rest of the app.
I am very pleased with oAuth2.0 ... much more civilised than v1.0, and with cURL verbose debugging, it is fairly informative when it fails.
Tony Barry
Sydney, Australia