05-06-2024 12:35
05-06-2024 12:35
I'm trying to set up a private little app as a learning exercise and I'm having issues using curl. I'm trying to learn from the 0Auth tutorial, and I put the example user data access curl command into my command prompt and I'm getting error 1008 from it. On the tutorial page it spits out the expected JSON but on my server, the curl command doesn't have the same result. I'm not even sure what is safe or not safe to publicly post. Just looking for some assistance. I think the error has something to do with Cloudflare but I'm not 100% sure.
For context, I'm just trying to learn this stuff to make a little project for me and a friend. I've never had to deal with 0Auth or anything like this.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
05-12-2024 23:18
05-12-2024 23:18
Hi @ctoliver94,
Welcome to the forums!
Could you PM me the cURL request you are sending so that I can attempt to reproduce?