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Fitbit Authorization Page - Dynamic App and Company Name


Is it possible to send the App Name and Company Name displayed as parameters with the request to the authorization page?

Fitbit Auth Page - App & Company Name.png

Use Case: Our company app is branded as "The Voyage" by "New Ocean Health Solutions" which some customers use directly. However, we also supply our backend service as a service to other companies, and they would want to have it show seamlessly to their users as "Other company's app" by "Other company".

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Hi @Jeff_New_Ocean


Unfortunately, its not possible to include your App Name and/or Company Name within the oauth 2.0 authorization URI. I believe it should be clear on the Consent page which company/app the Fitbit user is consenting to share data with, or make a reference to how the data is stored/used in the application's terms of service.


I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any additional questions.



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Hi @Jeff_New_Ocean


Unfortunately, its not possible to include your App Name and/or Company Name within the oauth 2.0 authorization URI. I believe it should be clear on the Consent page which company/app the Fitbit user is consenting to share data with, or make a reference to how the data is stored/used in the application's terms of service.


I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any additional questions.



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