03-16-2021 06:34
03-16-2021 06:34
Hi, a few weeks ago I have send in a request for access to Intra Day Data. Can I have a status update on the progress?
CaseNumber: 39916703
Kind regards,
03-16-2021 17:08
03-16-2021 17:08
Hi @AndriesSmartmed,
Welcome to the forums!
At this time, all intraday requests are currently on hold due to the Google acquisition. Once we receive additional information as to when we can proceed, we'll follow up with you. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
03-17-2021 08:58
03-17-2021 08:58
Hi, this applies also to the third party app authorizations? Thanks.
03-19-2021 17:51
03-19-2021 17:51
@JavierAP This does not affect existing applications you have already registered. This hold is only for applications requesting access to the intraday data. Applications registered at dev.fitbit.com can still use the open Web API.
03-23-2021 00:18
03-23-2021 00:18
Hi @JohnFitbit ,
Thanks for your answer. Any estimation on how long this on hold period will last?
03-23-2021 08:56
03-23-2021 08:56
Unfortunately, we do not have an answer. We are working with the appropriate teams to get the intraday approval process back on track ASAP.
05-31-2021 05:37
06-02-2021 09:55
06-02-2021 09:55
Thank you for your patience. We're starting to review the backlog of intraday requests. You should hear back in a couple of days.
06-29-2021 08:41
06-29-2021 08:41
Hi @Gordon-C any updates on our application request?
06-22-2023 03:26
06-22-2023 03:26
Hi @Gordon-C , We were garanted Intraday data but its seems to be expired? Can we renew? Or project is finally getting trajection.
06-29-2023 13:46
06-29-2023 13:46
Intraday access does not expire. Would you please submit your problem to our help page so we can collect some more information from you on the problem?