08-01-2022 09:43
08-01-2022 09:43
Hi all.
I am attempting to perform an access token exchange. When I perform my exchange requests via my written code application, the request returns a html-encoded 400 Bad Request response from cloudflare.
However, when I perform the same request via curl the exchange succeeds and I get back the access token information.
I've compared the parameters and headers of each request and I can't discern any difference between the two.
Is there anything particular I am doing wrong?
@Gordon-CI am hoping that you can help me, so I am DMing you my client_id right away.
<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
08-01-2022 09:47
08-01-2022 09:47
I can't quite see how to DM a user directly, so I will wait to see if someone has some advice on how to proceed.
08-08-2022 12:30
08-08-2022 12:30
Hi @edtrundo
I was out of the office last week. Just to check in, are you still receiving the 400 error? When you perform the access token exchange, is this when using the authorization code or refresh token? How often does this error occur?