02-16-2016 07:47 - edited 02-16-2016 07:48
02-16-2016 07:47 - edited 02-16-2016 07:48
Hi i keep getting this weird message......
1) This step is Fine.
[errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [errorType] => expired_token [message] => Access token expired: eyJhbGciOi******.eyJleHAiOjE0NTU2MjU4NTksInNjb3BlcyI6InJ3ZWkgcnBybyByaHIgcmxvYyBybnV0IHJzbGUgcnNldCByc29jIHJhY3QiLCJzdWIiOiI0OThaUFMiLCJhdWQiOiIyMjdGUUIiLCJpc3MiOiJGaXRiaXQiLCJ0eXAiOiJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iLCJpYXQiOjE0NTU2MjIyNTl9.xGsTAtK4vXoDyTnK6XPaxze-nsdLFJjIik8q9G3_yz8. Visit https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/oauth2 for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process. ) ) [success] =>
2) I check to see if my current tokens are what i think they are
Array ( [access_token] => eyJhbGciOi***************.eyJleHAiOjE0NTU2MjU4NTksInNjb3BlcyI6InJ3ZWkgcnBybyByaHIgcmxvYyBybnV0IHJzbGUgcnNldCByc29jIHJhY3QiLCJzdWIiOiI0OThaUFMiLCJhdWQiOiIyMjdGUUIiLCJpc3MiOiJGaXRiaXQiLCJ0eXAiOiJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iLCJpYXQiOjE0NTU2MjIyNTl9.xGsTAtK4vXoDyTnK6XPaxze-nsdLFJjIik8q9G3_yz8 [expires_in] => 3600 [refresh_token] => c5b6f63bf10669d580f5466275c28877a***************d90e599e557a0 [scope] => sleep heartrate activity social nutrition settings profile location weight [token_type] => Bearer [user_id] => 498*** )
So that looks oke right?
Step 3) The actual request to refresh my access token. Returns:
[errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [errorType] => invalid_grant [message] => Refresh token invalid: c5b6f63bf10669d580f5466275c28877a*************************d90e599e557a0. Visit https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/oauth2 for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process. ) ) [success] =>
What is it that I do wrong here? Yes i have the Authorization headers set, i also have ""Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8". I really don't get it. Thanks for helping out!
Digital Human
02-16-2016 13:54
02-16-2016 13:54
Hey @DigitalHuman, check out this related thread here. You also might want to take a look at our docs for token request errors. Hopefully that helps. 🙂
02-17-2016 05:48
02-17-2016 05:48
Hi Andrew,
Thanks but no this doesn't solve anything. As you can see i use the received refresh token. Still, fitbit tells me this is an invalid token.
02-17-2016 07:02 - edited 02-17-2016 07:56
02-17-2016 07:02 - edited 02-17-2016 07:56
Were there any responses for this? I am getting the same error (the refresh token is invalid, but it cannot be as i am using the one given by Fitbit during the last refresh). The weird part is that i am seing this just for some of the refresh tokens, while most work just fine.
Also, I want to mention we are handling any potential race conditions by using distributed locks.
02-17-2016 07:04
02-17-2016 07:04
We're having the exact same issue on intermitten users and calls -- cannot find a root cause pattern.
02-17-2016 11:34
02-17-2016 11:34
Idd, tried today with new written basic Curl function. Same issues with all refresh tokens. API just dont accept any of them.
02-17-2016 14:19
02-17-2016 14:19
@DigitalHuman You might want to take a look at @JeremiahFitbit's response about refresh tokens. If that doesn't help, can you please capture the HTTP request and response? You can use a tool like Runscope Traffic Inspector.
For reference, here's cases where refresh tokens can be invalidated/expired:
1. User revokes access to your application
2. The refresh token is used to obtain a new access token and new refresh token
3. The user goes through the Authorization process again and gets a new refresh token
(At any given time, there is only 1 valid refresh token.)
02-24-2016 16:37 - edited 02-25-2016 09:50
02-24-2016 16:37 - edited 02-25-2016 09:50
@AndrewFitbit, we are also seeing intermittent failures with refresh tokens being considered invalid. None of the scenarios you mentioned are occurring. Any ideas what we could investigate next? Thanks!
If I provide my client id and secret (privately), will you guys be able to point me to any potential problems we may be running into with our request pattern?
03-01-2016 06:38 - edited 03-01-2016 23:09
03-01-2016 06:38 - edited 03-01-2016 23:09
Getting the same error (the refresh token is invalid) while trying to generate access token using latest refresh token. It is failing in the below mentioned scenario. Please go through the following scenario and let me know if there is any issue from my end or Fitbit server.
I got access token and refresh token from Fitbit.
Now using the access token, made request for fetching the activity details immediately (i.e., before access token expire). The request is successful.
Now after one hour, I again made another request for fetching the activity details (access token is expired and got the below response).
Request 1:
GET /1/user/-/activities/date/2016-03-01.json HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.--------------------------------_OBy0FSyoKAK7ec
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: RestSharp/
Host: api.fitbit.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: Keep-Alive
Response 1:
{"errors":[{"errorType":"expired_token","message":"Access token expired: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.--------------------------------_OBy0FSyoKAK7ec. Visit https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/oauth2 for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."}],"success":false}
So I made a request for generating the access token again using the refresh token and got the below response
Request 2:
POST https://api.fitbit.com/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MjI5WFdUOmRk-----------------M1ZTlhYjMx
Accept: application/json, application/xml, text/json, text/x-json, text/javascript, text/xml
User-Agent: RestSharp/
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Host: api.fitbit.com
Content-Length: 103
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: Keep-Alive
Response 2:
{"errors":[{"errorType":"invalid_grant","message":"Refresh token invalid: 85a39fafd---------------------a2f53e02. Visit https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/oauth2 for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."}],"success":false}
But the same request for generating the access token is working in following scenario:
For your reference
03-02-2016 13:10
03-02-2016 13:10
@messi There's a post from Jeremiah in this thread here that might help.