06-26-2015 15:42
06-26-2015 15:42
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
12-20-2019 23:16
12-20-2019 23:16
Why cant you hire some real programs that can design a properly rotating IPad app. There is no excuse for such a shoddy implementation
12-21-2019 01:59
12-21-2019 01:59
12-29-2019 12:19
12-29-2019 12:19
It was working for a while - a number of months, then after IOS update 13 (?) the Fitbit app on my iPad stuck on portrait and has remained that way after several IOS updates. I only use landscape so it’s really annoying. Most all my other apps automatically rotate to landscape, as they should. Please fix this Google.
02-07-2020 21:28
02-07-2020 21:28
Please get this application to use landscape mode.
04-11-2020 14:26
04-11-2020 14:26
Using the free trial of Fitbit premium while at home during COVID crisis, and am liking it, but not having landscape mode makes the app difficult to use. PLEASE ADDRESS THIS - NEED LANDSCAPE MODE
05-17-2020 16:24
05-17-2020 16:24
In total agreement with this comment. Will like to use the Fitbit app on my iPad, just is not very useful in portrait mode.
08-01-2020 14:39
08-01-2020 14:39
My fitbit app always rotated on my ipad until recently. So there is more to the story.
12-27-2020 06:56
12-27-2020 06:56
Requesting app rotation and sprucing up of app. It’s got some clunky navigation.
12-27-2020 10:59
12-27-2020 10:59
02-13-2021 10:28
02-13-2021 10:28
Please put this issue near the top of the development roadmap, in this day and age this level of service and response is unacceptable
03-15-2021 19:21
03-15-2021 19:21
An 8th grader good write the program to have the fit bit app to rotate! Fit Bit and Google just don’t care.....
05-10-2021 10:28
05-10-2021 10:28
Didn't work for me on my iPad Pro.
I wish the people at Fit Bit would make it possible to show in landscape mode.
11-20-2021 02:55
11-20-2021 02:55
Nearly four years later - this is still an annoyance for iPad users. I use an external keyboard, and the app is nearly worthless for me on the iPad. Landscape mode should be an option.