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Bring old dashboard back

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Bring the ring the old dashboard back..I latterly hate the new one.  I used the daily walking to get my red dots each day.  The writing is to small and I can’t stand the dashes.  It makes me want to throw my Fitbit in the trash....and I did love it so much.  I have never written a bad review on anything but I am just sick over this new dashboard.

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Welcome to the Community @JOLITTLE. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about the new app design. 


Sorry to hear that you don't love the new design. Our Support team is always working to improve the features provided and the tools that can help you reaching your exercise goals. If you have any question about it, you can post it here and any Moderator will be happy to assist you. 


I'll be around if you need further assistance. 

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Yes, it's horrible. My steps aren't even real time any more and it's very hard to read. Totally regret updating.

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Features like the 30 day summary graph are gone.  Features provided are becoming too few.   Those features that helped to achieve goals that were taken away are missed with nothing comparable to replace them.   Upgrades are appearing to be downgrades.  

I just fail to see any improvements as mentioned by SilviaFitbit Moderator.

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Thanks for getting back @bobby131313 and @mini35. Your feedback and comments are appreciated, we're always here to implement features that can help you reach your exercise goals. The best place to make your voice heard is our Feature Suggestion board, those are reviewed by our team and the status will change based in Fitbit's plans. 


I'll be around if you need further assistance. 

Want to get more active? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.

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There had been another thread on customer disappointment over the lost functionality.  Moderator just said, "We understand your disappointment, no plans to change, did share with team" and then they closed the thread for further comment.  (Probably cause I may have cracked a few tad bit unflattering jokes about lack of Fitbit functionality).  But you are right.  if Fitbit collected all the negative comments and feedback from all the threads that had been started...its ALL negative feedback.  I have read through numerous threads with complaints, and not seen a compliment, unless it was a backhanded compliment.  Fitbit knows they upset people...but the takeaway is they don't care.  Another poster speculated its so they can later add these services back as part of a paid subscription.  I read James Park's comments at his last investor reporting meeting, and alluded to Fitbit has been crushed in the device market by upper end Apple and lower end Garmin...they may consider giving devices awaybut want to go to subscriptions.  Translation, we (Fitbit) are losing money, our stock prices are down, If we have any future at all, its to sell subscription services...therefore the best parts of Fitbit will get stripped so it can be sold to  you later as a subscription to get it back. 

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On the one hand, I've had that suspicion, too. On the other hand, I'm now wondering if even that is overoptimistic. If they meant to offer those features in a subscription model, the smart way to do it would have been to bundle them all together (along with some enticing extra stuff of some kind) and rolled it out *immediately,* so people who missed that functionality could go try the premium experience. Perhaps even give a 2 week free trial to get people hooked.

As it is, what they're effectively doing is pushing people who want those features into finding another solution.  And changing fitness trackers is a BIG change, because you have to find a completely new circle of friends/family that use the new device, as a general rule.  If people go to all of the hassle to leave Fitbit because it's falling short of what they need, Fitbit is probably never, ever going to be able to lure those lost users back.

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i can't seem to find my friends floor graph.    We were competing, but now i have no idea how he is doing.   Is there something that i am missing?

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@nisaza wrote:

i can't seem to find my friends floor graph.    We were competing, but now i have no idea how he is doing.   Is there something that i am missing?

Nothing that you are missing, @nisaza -- that's one of the pieces of functionality they removed.  I'm sorry I don't have better news for you.

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it seems like the reasons for owning a fitbit are becoming fewer and fewer

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I was ready to upgrade but I find all reasons to get another Fitbit are gone since the competition has gone away.

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Couldn't agree more! In my case, the stat that I probably cared about most which was estimated calorie burn for the entire day is now gone. Not a good sign.

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I like the old Fitbit dashboard for my phone .it was a lot easier for me to understand.please bring it back .

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I TOTALLY agree. 

Mine changed like 2 days ago, and I DO NOT ..... repeat DO NOT like it AT ALL

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You can pretty much guarantee that the only way you will see the "old" dashboard back is if you pay for it or you buy a "new generation" fitbit.   It is just a money grab, a scam to make money off of their loyal customers.   They are big business and just don't give a **ahem** about ordinary people.   Only to make money from us.   They should have come up with something more original rather than take something from us, only to "sell" it back to us.    What gives the right to take something from us that they gave us already?   Then their moderators type some blurb that they are told to write!   They must think that we are a bunch of mindless fools not see what they are up to!!!

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the only way you will see the "old" dashboard back is if you pay for it or you buy a "new generation" fitbit. It is just a money grab, a scam to make money off of their loyal customers.



So please give me a link where I can buy the old dashboard back or show me which new fitbits have the old dashboard so I can buy one.

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I despise the new dashboard.  It is not user friendly, nor intuitive.  It is, in fact, ridiculous.  For the most part, the new dashboard, is simply a blank screen!  In order to get one's stats, one needs to stop their run/walk and click more than once for each stat!  When you're in the middle of a run you don't want to do that.  Further, the old dashboard allowed you to simply track your exercise.  This dashboard, I don't think, allows for that option and if it does, I can't find it.

I LOVED my fitbit and actually bought fitbits for my friends, now I'm sorry I wasted the money.  I cannot for the life of me figure out why the powers that be would think this was a good thing?  The only thing I can glean from this change is fitbit is a. saving money to conflate the bottom line or b. the same thing as a.  These corporate hacks only think of their quarterly bonus and I'm sure this new dashboard has something to do with that where the company saves money, increases their stock price and gets their tidy little bonus, while at the same time, lose their customer base because of their bonehead decisions and the cycle begins where more services are cut from the customers continuing the viscous cycle.

I have also noted that there is no intention to bring the dashboard back to which I can unequivocally tell you, you have lost a customer.  The fitbit will no longer adorn my wrist.


The  upside is now I can wear my pretty watches again.  

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Sent from my iPhone I really hope they bring the old dashboard back.I can’t understand this new one at all . And I brought the Fitbit charge 3 because I heard a lot of great things about it. But this new dashboard really sucks!!
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Wow, now once any stat hits it's goal it goes constantly spastic and doesn't stop. It's annoying as hell. This started yesterday.

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This is like the 3rd time they've made an unwanted change to the layout AND NOT LISTENED to the users.


Don't expect them to change now.

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