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Exercise type changed by app - How can I edit it to the correct, choosen value?????

I am using the Fitbit app to track my exercise. When I select Run, the app records it as a Walk. I understand there is a bug in the app and the team is having no luck on resolving it despite months of work on it.

How can I edit the exercise to correct this error caused by this **ahem** app? Please do not tell me that there is no way to correct this error caused by some unknown bug in the app.

If I can't edit the exercise type, exactly why not???

It seems like a simple change to make the type of exercise edit-able especially if the app itself is going to glitchy and not record the selected value.

Is there a plan to make the exercise type edit-able or should I start looking for a new device and app? What device and app to you recommend if you want accurate tracking?


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