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Fitbit Update: 8/15
Hey all!
This week we released the option to opt-in to use the new dashboard to everyone. At this time, everyone should have received the option to opt-in already. If you didn't opt-in, we will transition everyone into the new dashboard in the coming weeks.
A reminder, after you've opted into the new design you cannot revert and go back to the old one. Read more about the new interface we've designed here: What’s the new Fitbit app experience?
Make sure you're also on the latest version of the Fitbit app.
Thanks for your patience while we completely released the new interface to everyone. We hope you're enjoying the improvements that have been made and appreciate all the feedback.
Fitbit Update: 8/6
Hey everyone!
Thanks for all your feedback on the new dashboard design. We're still in the process of releasing it to all of our users. If you don't see it yet, you will have it pushed to you in the coming weeks! This has been a slow process for the past few months to ensure a smooth rollout.
We're currently on app version 3.3, so please make sure as always that you have the latest version of the Fitbit app.
Once we've released this new dashboard to everyone, we will announce it in this thread.
Fitbit Update: 6/17
Hi Fitbit Family,
We are still rolling out our updated Fitbit app design to more users currently with v.2.95. Please make sure to update the Fitbit app by visiting the App store if you haven't already. If you don't see the new dashboard just yet, you will be receiving it at some point in the coming weeks.
Thanks so much for your patience throughout this rollout. To read more about this new dashboard experience, please check this article out: What’s the new Fitbit app experience?
Once this rollout is complete, we will let you all know in this thread.
Fitbit Update: 5/22
Hi everyone!
We’ve rolled out another phase of testing for the new app dashboard experience. If you’re one of the lucky people to see it before the full release, you can read more about it here: What’s the new Fitbit app experience?
We’ll continue to slowly release this to all Fitbit customers on iOS and Android. Once we receive more information on this, we’ll let you know.
Hope you’re all enjoying this new layout!
Fitbit Update: 4/24
Hi everyone!
Beginning today with app v2.92, we're excited to announce a new dashboard experience for the Fitbit app, currently by invitation only. If you are invited to opt-in, you can see the new design and try our new app experience to access all your stats and information in a way that’s more dynamic, integrated, and highly personalized.
You can read more about it in this help article: What's the new Fitbit app experience?
As with all our new dashboard updates, this is a progressive rollout. If you don't have an invitation or see the dashboard immediately, you will receive it later on.
We will update this thread with more information later, so stay tuned!
Actively managing your weight? Find accountability buddies on the Manage Weight board
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
05-03-2019 21:12
05-03-2019 21:12
I don’t like the new version app, disappointing plus I have to push my phone down to syncing to get the steps moving 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 and challenges.
im not the only one because other people are having the same problem, I’m in a Fitbit group on another social network.
05-03-2019 21:17
05-04-2019 03:06
05-04-2019 03:06
@KateFitbit I cannot add back any of the features i had before. They are grayed out. See screen shots. You can see which ones don’t have a green check mark and the next with grayed our button. Super frustrating.
05-05-2019 09:25
05-05-2019 09:25
@KateFitbit in addition my Peloton exercise no longer shows heart rate and my walks have not automatically logged since before April 19 when my dashboard upgraded. Hardly an upgrade - I’ve lost all functionality intended for having the FitBit device. It’s now worthless to me. Poor customer service as there has been no fix and no option for old version:new version. I’ve been a customer for years and now I know I am not valued. Photos below show no HR for workout and the other shows last walk automatically logged.
05-05-2019 10:42
05-05-2019 10:42
I have the same experience. I was not invited. My app updated automatically. I too do not like the new app. Is there a way to downgrade?
05-05-2019 16:15
05-05-2019 16:15
@KateFitbit and all the folks having issues.... here’s what I did this morning... I deleted my Fitbit from the app, deleted the app itself and rebooted my device. I reconnected and updated everything. It appears to be working, believe it or not!!! However that was a long winded struggle to fix it. I still dislike the new version of the app, but as long as I get the stats I need, I will go with it for now. Still eyeing the Garmin..... to be continued!
05-06-2019 03:06
05-06-2019 03:06
Hello @KateFitbit hope you are well? Any luck on my invite to opt-in? Have a lovely week.
05-06-2019 04:15
05-06-2019 04:15
Same for me. Ready to do some testing!
05-07-2019 13:53
05-07-2019 13:53
Hi Everyone, thanks for taking the time and sharing your feedback. We appreciate your thoughts and opinions and continue to review this thread.
@CrazyLAGirl Thanks for the screenshots, I"m not sure what happened here but glad you were able to get your device and app working.
@Kenzibit , @MaratMostovoy, I checked with the team. We aren't taking volunteers at this time but really do appreciate your enthusiasm. We should be rolling out further sometime soon.
Actively managing your weight? Find accountability buddies on the Manage Weight board
05-07-2019 14:06
05-07-2019 14:06
05-07-2019 22:29
05-07-2019 22:29
Hello firstly why can I not view my live heart rate anymore on the new dashboard and secondly how do I get the old dashboard back?
I did not ask for or update my app, so how did my dashboard change? I do not have automatic updates activated
05-09-2019 07:54
05-09-2019 07:54
Hello @Kenzibit and @SunsetRunner I hope you're doing well, it's great to see you around the Fitbit Community.
I appreciate your participation in the Forums. @SunsetRunner, are you not able to see the heart rate tile or is the heart rate tile showing 2 dashes? Would it be possible for you to reply to us to check this further.
We really appreciate our members's input and feedback and I would like to thank you for yours. Our team is always looking to improve the Fitbit experience which is why I would like to encourage you to vote and comment on @JoeKII's suggested idea to implement this feature in the future.
Thanks for your patience and understanding, if there's anything else I can do for you, please feel free to reply.
05-15-2019 07:01
05-15-2019 07:01
Is there a way to get the old dashboard back?
05-15-2019 18:46
05-15-2019 18:46
I was not asked and I am not a fan of the new dashboard. It is cluttered and very drab. I can’t easily see what I want, just too much information and so bland. Is there a way to get the old dashboard back?
05-19-2019 17:13
05-19-2019 17:13
I would love an invite, I need a more personal experience and information than I can see/get now. I'm getting more and more disappointed to try access ( rather a lack of access ) I have now and find myself interacting with my Fitbit and searching in the community forums less and less, and actually have started looking at other devices.
05-19-2019 17:22
05-19-2019 17:22
Maybe I don’t ......
i haven’t read all the comments yet , but the 4 I did read were very negative regarding the new dashboard. Unless there have been new updates from 4/24 until today, maybe I will stay with what I have now
05-22-2019 08:38
05-22-2019 08:38
Hello @KatieMoore, @Lsweet and @Sherrix2 thanks for joining the Fitbit Community, it's great to have you on board.
First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in the response. We appreciate you have taken the time to provide your feedback. However, at this moment it's not possible to change back to the old Dashboard design. As mentioned above, I would like to encourage you to vote and comment on @JoeKII's suggested idea to have the chance to switch between Dashboard designs.
Thanks again for your insight, if there's anything else we can do for you, please feel free to reply.
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Hi, I’m a (un)lucky user. I loved my app before.
Unfortunately the new design spreads what was previously an easy to use, fantastic single screen dashboard across multiple (scroll requiring) pages with unappealing childish icons and frankly quite depressing colours. It’s adaptable but mostly inaccessible and not the user interface is not as appealing as the previous version.
Update: it’s also giving inaccurate data which I never had issues with before. My weight loss goals have been changed to advise I need to lose My entire weight rather than the previous % and all of my weight loss data has been lost.
Moderator Edit: Format.
05-24-2019 19:08
05-24-2019 19:08
How do I access my alarms?!
05-24-2019 19:19
05-24-2019 19:19
Ok, I finally found my silent alarms but I don’t like how I have to get there. I wish it was still easily accessible.