08-20-2019 21:05
08-20-2019 21:05
just wandering why is my fitbit after a year showing these stats in last 4 days seems otg or is my graves disease back normally im in peak for 20 min help
08-21-2019 15:05
08-21-2019 15:05
Hello @Guccijan it's nice to see you again participating here in the Community Forums, welcome back!
I appreciate all the details that were shared with my and the screenshot attached in your post, it's a pleasure to help you out with this. To better assist you, can you please let me know when was the first time you experienced this and how many times since then? Also, which Fitbit device and iOS mobile device you're currently using? In the meantime I receive your answers, please restart your device.
Keep me posted.
08-21-2019 16:01
08-21-2019 16:01
this has only just started on saturday so five days ive had this fitbit a year and ive never been constantly in peak zone
08-21-2019 16:03
08-21-2019 16:03
i have the fitbit alta ar and ios 12.4 or do u mean app
08-30-2019 16:52
08-30-2019 16:52
Thanks for your reply and update @Guccijan, sorry for the delay in replying your post.
I appreciate the details that were shared with me. Let me share with you that heart rate reading varies depending on several factors like movement, temperature, humidity, stress level, physical body position, caffeine intake, and medication. If you haven't already done so, please review our information and tips for heart rate accuracy here.
Though we've found that PurePulse provides better overall heart rate tracking than cardio machines or chest straps since it tracks your heart rate day and night, wrist placement during certain vigorous exercise is important. Review the information on optimal wear closely and make sure you follow the recommendations.
Please keep me posted.
08-30-2019 17:57 - edited 08-30-2019 17:59
08-30-2019 17:57 - edited 08-30-2019 17:59
I don't think there's anything wrong with your health here.
The colors are just showing a rather standard bit of rule-of-thumb that you find everywhere on the internet - "peak" bpm is just anything above "220-<your age>" bpm. For example, I'm 60; so peak for me is anything above 160 bpm.
It looks like the actual measurement being made in terms of beats per minute is ok - if you disregard the coloring, your graph from before everything turned red looks about the same as the more recent ones.
So I'd check to make sure your age is correctly entered - maybe that bit of data got corrupted somehow. It could be thinking that you're 900 years old, in which case any bpm reading greater than -680 is "peak"!
You can tap at the upper left in the HORRIBLE NEW GARBAGE FITBIT DASHBOARD, then tap on "View Your Profile", then tap on "personal Info" and check that your birthday is entered correctly.
Or potentially, sign out and sign in again to make sure that your biographical data is refreshed from fitbit.com.
Also: I truly hate the New Dashboard! This Fitbit app is garbage!