04-06-2021 20:29
04-06-2021 20:29
Hi there, I have just signed up to this site so I can work out which fitbit is right for me. I have Atrial Fibrillation, my heart rate can drop to the low 30's or can go higher than 150 BPM. I am really keen for any advice or discussion on this. Thank you in advance.
Warm regards
04-07-2021 07:56
04-07-2021 07:56
Hello @cckoz2 and welcome to the Help forum. The best Fitbit for you will be the Fitbit Sense. It is the only Fitbit that can take an ECG trace. In addition, the Sense has high and low heart rate alerts. To be clear -- this is how these alerts are programmed. Your heart rate must cross the threshold for 10 minutes at rest to set off the alert. So you not get a notification if your heart rate is in the 30s for less than 10 minutes.
I hope this helps.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.