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Keep getting location prompts on app

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I am so beyond frustrated with this pop up asking to enable location services. I finally caved and put it on Always only to get notifications that the location service had been running constantly for an extended period of time. I never had this issue until recently. I’ve been a huge fan of FitBits and have had multiple ones over the years but these updates are making me consider spending extra money and getting an Apple Watch just so I don’t have to deal with the annoying and incessant pop ups. If I click “No thank you” they should be the end of it. I shouldn’t have the same pop up every single time I open the app.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

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Just to confirm I’ve also started experiencing this issue every time I run the app. 

iOS app is fully up to date. Iphone 11. Versa 2 is up to date. 

I have Bluetooth on and I have location services set to when using app. I never actually use my Fitbit to track exercise with gps because I think it’s intrusive. 

Every single time I run / open / return to the Fitbit app, every time, always, I get the same pop up demanding that I check the GPS settings. This should never occur once it is cleared for the first time. 

Please fix it! 

It’s bad enough having to put up still with the poor interface that removed all the little tiles and replaced them with big bars requiring tons of scrolling to see everything. Now having to cancel this pop up every single time is… amateurish?! 

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I have come to the conclusion that FitBit wants us to use Location 24x7 so they can sell that info to others. And the constant badgering with pop ups is the means they are using to get uninformed users to give them that info.

I am about to look for a new fitness tracker company. I’ve been using FitBit since 2009. But this constant aggravation is too much for me. We don’t deserve to be treated this way.

Sent from my iPhone
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How do I get rid this this annoying message, EVERY DARN TIME I turn on Fitbit.

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Your messages, Lily and Lizzy, are more than 3 months old, still no solution! In the meantime, I reinstalled the Fitbit App several times, restarted my Luxe tracker several times, disabled GPS, tried several settings proposed by others. Installed three updates. Opened two tickets, did not even get an answer. I will use my new tracker as long it lasts. Then I will leave the Fitbit world, it is not mine anymore.

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I just discovered another thread covering the same issue. See also there:


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Just started getting this with latest update, suspect they want to hit us with advertising. Not good enough as you’re already paid a lot of money for the product. Come on Fitbit sort your policy out or lose customers 

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Yes, all up to date and iPhone 11. How can a company the size of Fitbit be so disorganized and unable to help with such a simple (should be) task? 

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LizzyFitbit, Moderator,

I have an Inspire HR that I am currently using.  I have the same problem that several people have mentioned.  My main question is WHY does FitBit need to know our location simply to provide the user with needed information? WHY does it need my location to tell me my activity for the day?  This seems a bit intrusive.  I am using a Android IPhone, Galaxy 8.  With the latest FitBit update, October 15th, it seems to have messed my Exercise measurement up completely.  It dumped over a week and 1/2 of Exercise data; the prior week and most of this week (October 30th).  From November 3rd, 4th, etc., it has not shown me any activity even though I know it should be there.  Can you please tell us what is going on and if FitBit is able to fix the problem and restore the activity data??  What happened to the App?  Thank you.

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As suggested, I checked to ensure I have the latest update on my App.  It indicates it was updated October 15th.  It appears that is when I started having problems.  I am using an Android, Galaxy 8 phone, so that should not be the problem.  It dumped all of my Exercise data from the week prior and has only listed one day of exercise this week (starting October 30th), when I know it should be showing more Exercise for each day.  Why did it dump our data, and can you please tell us why it is not registering Exercise data now?  It also indicates we have to update our location.  FitBit should not need our location to register our Exercise data.  I did not activate it previously, so why would it need location now?  Can you please tell us when this is going to be resolved. I am about to give up on my FitBit tracker also and I just purchased a new one.  Right now I am using Inspire HR and haven't taken the other one our of the box.  Please give the users a status update.  Thank you!!

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I have had the exact same frustration   Was so sick and tired of the pop up I bought the apple series 7 watch. Was a loyal Fitbit user until this gps issue. 

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I’m about ready to dump FitBit, too! This has been an issue for way too long! 

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I keep pressing no thanks because I do not wish nor need to have my exercise tracked via gps, but every time I open the app, I’m greeted by what has become a really obnoxious pop up asking me over an over to choose between “No Thanks” or “Open Setting”. The answer is always no thanks, but the app keeps forgetting. Is this what the user experience is supposed to be like with the app? Is there a pop up blocker?

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It’s odd how it gives you the illusion of choice to either say no thanks or share location. Except you have to say no thanks every time you look at the app. What a bonkers user experience. I’m totally turned off by this “feature”. Once I find something else that doesn’t behave this way, I’m done with Fitbit. 

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Delete/install worked for me (iPhone SE, Charge 4)  Even worked after I accidentally started a run.

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Already moving on. This should have been fixed 2 years ago…it’s insane to have to go through those kind of hoops

Cassie Davie, sent from my iPhone
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This happens to me too. I do not want this feature and I say no thanks and every time I open the app, I have to click no thanks again. Please fix this so it remembers my choice and does not require me to have location on always. Thank you!

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This started for me today after a year. When I open the Fitbit app the location access notification pops up.  I do not want to allow. How do I get the notification to stop? Please fix this.

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The only thing anyone has found that has worked is to uninstall the app then reinstall. Mixed results as it doesn’t work for everyone and is sometimes a temporary fix. 

There will be a lot of comments saying to get a device that isn’t Fitbit. 

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Thank you

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Agreed, I have wasted so much time trying usual methods built into IOS, additional ones cited within this thread and by explicit Fitbit instructions to prevent incursion into my location privacy …… they don’t work (at least with my charge 4).. I run dozens of apps on my iPhone and Fitbit is only app which doesn’t behave as it should once the “only when using app” option is selected for location privacy. It is tempting to believe this is a deliberate ploy to to gather saleable data from its users by encouraging users to select the “always” option to get rid of the nuisance message. I wonder if Fitbit is abdicating it’s  legal responsibility by failing to address this issue which seems to have been unresolved for several years? 


i am quite shocked that a representative from Fitbit support is not responding effectively to this concern which from a privacy perspective is a serious issue. 

if the issue is not resolved I will move to different platform too. 


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