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New Dashboard

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Fitbit Update 5/25/2017

Thank you for taking the time to share feedback. I can assure you the comments have been and continued to be reviewed and shared with our iOS team.  


As a reminder, I'm including our help article on the Fitbit app here.


Overwhelmingly, recent posts share the sentiment of no longer being able to revert back to the original dashboard and not having the option to choose. At this time there are no plans to revert access to the old Dashboard, but we always appreciate feedback on how to improve our app.


As a reminder, Please remember to keep your posts respectful and on-topic, per our Community Guidelines. This thread will be better for everyone as a constructive conversation.


Fitbit Update 8/17/2016

Beginning with version 2.26 of the Fitbit app for iOS, the new Fitbit app dashboard with an updated look is now fully implemented. You can no longer return to the old design. We're constantly striving to improve Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the feedback we receive from our customers.


You can find information about the new app dashboard and how to start using it by clicking here.


Fitbit Update 5/25/2016

I'm very pleased to announce that iOS users who have updated to version 2.23 of the Fitbit iOS App are now able to opt-in to use a preview of a new design of the Fitbit iOS dashboard!

One of my favorite features for this new dashboard preview is the quick log button in the bottom-center of the iOS App. This feature allows users to quickly: track an exercise, log food, log sleep, log water, send a friend request, scan a food barcode (if you are using the US food database), log their weight, or set an alarm.




Users can opt-in to use the new iOS dashboard design by:


1. Updating to version 2.23 of the Fitbit iOS App, click here to be redirected to the iOS App Store.

2. Click the Account button in the bottom right-hand corner.

3. Scroll down and click the Advanced Settings button.

4. Toggle the Preview New Dashboard button at the top of the page on.


IMG_1179 2.PNG





















Click here for more details and let me know if you have any questions!


Moderator Edit: Edited thread title.

Derrick | Retired Moderator, Fitbit

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I have mentioned this before (and I'd like to think quite politely) that the most effective way to affect change is to vote on the features.  More specifically, I suggested that instead of voting for "put everything back the way it was", maybe vote for the individual things that you'd like to see changed.  If you don't believe me, look at my post on 10-16, which is still on this thread (unmodified).


Being as neutral as possible...  Really, casting your one vote for the feature has a lot more weight than posting 20+ messages on this thread.  Even if you had a moderator as an advocate, the votes still speak louder.


Much like writing a single letter (as passionate as it may be) to your congressman is not going to get his/her attention as much as having a petition of 100,000 signatures requesting a change in policy.  At the end of the day, the easiest way for him/her to evaluate which issues are the most pressing is to see which ones affect the most people.


For someone who is vocal about how the dashboard is broken, like saying that the tiles cannot show for a prior day.  Which is completely fair, but I'm surprised that you didn't vote for that to be fixed, nor for any of the handful of features related to the dashboard.


It's not that Fitbit is not listening.  It's that reading individual posts on a thread is a very slow and ineffective way to gauge how many folks are happy or upset about some aspect of their product, and it makes their job even tougher when they have to filter through comments like 'illogical', 'utter joke', 'delusional', and 'ignorant'.  Emotional comments like that are only going to make you less credible and hurt your cause.


The easiest way for Fitbit to do it?  Tally the votes attached to each feature suggestion.  I've been saying this for literally months.  You want the tiles to move with the previous days, vote for that feature.  Simple.


If anything, my latest post is a very blunt attempt to get this point across...  Want to affect change?  Vote for the feature suggestions.

Frank | Washington, USA

Fitbit One, Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR, Blaze, Surge, Flex, Flex 2, Zip, Ultra, Flyer, Aria, Aria 2 - Windows 10, Windows Phone

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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I think that is a fair assessment about what you use and what you need.  The observation about being able to correlate sleep pattern with food intake is useful information, if there isn't already a feature request for precisely that, then you should enter one.


A great many posts on this thread may point out individual things that folks don't like, which is completely fair.  Unfortunately, then people go to "put everything back the way it was", which really isn't helping the cause.


Imagine you're making dinner for your family, something you haven't made before.  You ask them how they like it and they give you a response like, "I don't like it; I prefer McDonald's".  Well, that's not really useful is it?  However, if they said things like:

  • "I like the flavor, but it was too spicy."
  • "I prefer my onions a bit more caramelized."
  • etc.

It's much more specific and actionable.  You know precisely what kinds of things to change and improve more next time.


Having a feature request to "put everything back" is not really useful.  Telling them, "I used to be able to see X and Y side by side, please bring it back...  This is how it might look" is infinitely more useful.


Fitbit had started making changes to the (online) dashboard to tiles some time ago; they spent a lot of time and energy redesigning it.  I believe that they want the dashboard to have the same look and feel on the web, and all the Fitbit Apps.  Unless someone can make a compelling case that bars are better than circular gauges, they'll likely stay that way (sorry, 'my eyes are jumping all over the place' is not a compelling case).  I personally prefer the circular gauges.


That said, I think you can make a case for somehow getting the data that you want, presented how you want it.  And better yet show them how it can look and how they can integrate that onto the existing dashboard (screen mockups help), then they'll be more receptive.  Then get folks to vote for the feature suggestion; you can post that to this thread.


Simply posting on this thread about what is missing, without creating a feature suggestion or voting for one, is only going to get you more frustrated without affecting change.

Frank | Washington, USA

Fitbit One, Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR, Blaze, Surge, Flex, Flex 2, Zip, Ultra, Flyer, Aria, Aria 2 - Windows 10, Windows Phone

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Someone should create a petition to have PureEvil banned from these forums. He doesn't even own an iOS device. He is a troll. 

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You may look at my history on a variety of other threads.  I'd like to think that I'm generally pretty helpful even with questions with iOS, like: this one, this one, or this one...  and as you point out, that's even if I don't own an iOS device.  How many useful responses have you had in threads other than this one?


I suppose I just don't respond well to being called:

  • Illogical
  • an utter joke
  • delusional
  • ignorant

Though I don't imagine most folks would, especially when they're unfounded.  Or maybe that's simply what you resort to when someone calls you on a topic like this (when being called wrong and illogical).

Frank | Washington, USA

Fitbit One, Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR, Blaze, Surge, Flex, Flex 2, Zip, Ultra, Flyer, Aria, Aria 2 - Windows 10, Windows Phone

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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You've water enough time with useless exchanged! Let it go!
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Maybe you should ask the other folks (who use terms like: illogical, troll, utter joke, delusional, and ignorant) to "let it go" as well.  I was merely responding to the characterization of troll, especially since I'm not using those terms.


Weren't you the one who challenged @Aclobos (when they posted their positive opinion about the dashboard) with why do you butt in?  I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised.


And with that, I won't respond anymore unless I'm mentioned or folks make the incorrect generalization that most people hate the new dashboard (and thus Fitbit is not responding to what users want).

Frank | Washington, USA

Fitbit One, Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR, Blaze, Surge, Flex, Flex 2, Zip, Ultra, Flyer, Aria, Aria 2 - Windows 10, Windows Phone

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@DerrickS how do we block/ignore someone in a discussion? I'd like to stay on this discussion but am not interested in some of the off-topic messages cluttering my inbox.

Sent from my iPhone
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Save from this response.  I'm gone from the thread.  Unless you're referring to someone else.


You folks enjoy.

Frank | Washington, USA

Fitbit One, Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR, Blaze, Surge, Flex, Flex 2, Zip, Ultra, Flyer, Aria, Aria 2 - Windows 10, Windows Phone

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@picasso66 wrote:
@DerrickS how do we block/ignore someone in a discussion? I'd like to stay on this discussion but am not interested in some of the off-topic messages cluttering my inbox.

Sent from my iPhone

You cannot block or ignore people in a thread. You can only block/ingore private messages from them. Sorry.

Best Answer

Hi everyone! Thank you all for participating in this thread.


As I mentioned before, this is a place for everyone to share their ideas, comments and help each other on different Fitbit topics.


While I can understand most of you are posting here about not liking the new dashboard, there are some others that do like it and all opinions are valid as long as we don't attack each other. Please, this is the second time that I'm asking you to keep a friendly environment and if you don't agree with someone's idea, feel free to share your opinion in a respectful way without calling names on others or disrespecting them. Remember that it's not always what you say but how you say it.


Or... simply ignore what you don't like and share your own opinions without paying attention to what you don't agree with so that we can avoid creating a hostile place.


I'm sure we're all adults here and we're mature enough to know how to handle a healthy conversation so I want to thank you in advance for keeping it proffesional and polite.

Ferdin | Community Moderator, Fitbit

Help others by giving votes and marking helpful solutions as Accepted

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I find it interesting that in the Android forum people are anxious to get the new dashboard

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@Rich_Laue wrote:

I find it interesting that in the Android forum people are anxious to get the new dashboard

Yeah they hate the new dashboard also. It's really sad Fitbit developers are turning a blind eye to the flaws of the new dashboard, and won't offer a second design choice. It's not like it would change any of the other page links. It only changes how the data appears on the front page. 


I don't see how offering both would pose any issues. 

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Hate it. Can't figure out how to delete tracking I don't care about, like calories and stairs, and it's too hard to find and input activities. Prefer to see progress through the bar chart. I'm going back to the old system.

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Go under advanced settings. I just changed mine back.
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Do you know @strawberry_ that if I search back a year, when Fitbit switched to the, what is now the old dashboard, I can find the same comments of discontent to the dashboard that people say they now love.

With any chqnge there will be lovers and haters, I still don't understand why MS changed everything around in Win 10, I hate it, my dad hates it. With any change it seems to be a case of - what a user is use to. I have no answers, my experience is that the new dashboard is easier for me to navigate. Before there where places I wanted to go and either had to think about how to do it, or keep trying until I found it. Navigation in the app seems to be more intuitive, I understand that this has nothing to do with the dashboard layout, which could be a simple change.

As for the tiles for the day not responding as the user wants, this could also be an easy thing to change. I would like to know the reason for the decision to have the lower tiles not switch days. However it is not a problem, for me. When comparing days, I find the dashboard a detriment, and have always tapped through the tile to the summery page.

As for not seeing all the tiles without scrolling the dashboard display, this hasn't changed in that i had scroll in the old dashboard also.

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@learningtorun,I'm using the iPhone 6 plus with my blaze. You should be able to hide anything you don't want from your dashboard. From my iPhone all I have to do is login to my Fitbit app and tap on my dashboard tab and tap on any item (steps, floors, miles, cals, minutes, heart rate, etc.) and all of the items on the dashboard will jiggle. You will see the (x symbol) on the upper left corner of each item. If you tap on the X you will be able to hide anything you don't want on your dashboard. If you don't want all of those shortcuts on your blaze you can also remove them. Tap on your account tab, look under your name and tap on your blaze tracker. Look for exercise shortcuts and tap on it. On the upper right corner you will see edit. Tap on edit and you can remove all of the shortcuts you don't want on your blaze, just tap on the - symbol to remove your shortcut. If you want to add any shortcuts just tap on the (+symbol, it will be under the last shortcut listed) and you will see all of the shortcuts available to add. After you select what you want, tap on done and your phone will sync and the shortcuts you selected will be listed on your blaze. Just remember you can only have 7 items listed on your shortcuts. I know how frustrating it can be when you don't know where to search. I think once you play with all the setting you will get a little more comfortable with the blaze.
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This is NOT AN IMPROVEMENT! The new dashboard sucks! It's sloppy, messy and confusing. Please give us the old one back. I loved it so much and HATE this one. Please I beg you! 

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Can we please have the option back to change it to the old one. It's not fair to the "most" of us that don't like the new one that you keep it for the few who do. Give us a choice at least. 

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They are not listening here. They do not care. There is a place to 'vote' for new features, one of which was the old dashboard, or old appearance. I also make sure and visit the app stores to give my review of the app as a "1". Maybe they will eventually hear.

Sent from my iPhone
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@Piink.Dumbells that is exactly what people said 18 months ago about the dsshboard you so much loved.


As for listening, the feature request where the developers look

There is a requeat to have both new and old. I noticed that on


Thanksgiving my cousin with an iphone had the old desktop on his Fitbit app. Have you gone to Account - Advanced Settings - on the top is there an option to switch back?

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