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New Dashboard

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Fitbit Update 5/25/2017

Thank you for taking the time to share feedback. I can assure you the comments have been and continued to be reviewed and shared with our iOS team.  


As a reminder, I'm including our help article on the Fitbit app here.


Overwhelmingly, recent posts share the sentiment of no longer being able to revert back to the original dashboard and not having the option to choose. At this time there are no plans to revert access to the old Dashboard, but we always appreciate feedback on how to improve our app.


As a reminder, Please remember to keep your posts respectful and on-topic, per our Community Guidelines. This thread will be better for everyone as a constructive conversation.


Fitbit Update 8/17/2016

Beginning with version 2.26 of the Fitbit app for iOS, the new Fitbit app dashboard with an updated look is now fully implemented. You can no longer return to the old design. We're constantly striving to improve Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the feedback we receive from our customers.


You can find information about the new app dashboard and how to start using it by clicking here.


Fitbit Update 5/25/2016

I'm very pleased to announce that iOS users who have updated to version 2.23 of the Fitbit iOS App are now able to opt-in to use a preview of a new design of the Fitbit iOS dashboard!

One of my favorite features for this new dashboard preview is the quick log button in the bottom-center of the iOS App. This feature allows users to quickly: track an exercise, log food, log sleep, log water, send a friend request, scan a food barcode (if you are using the US food database), log their weight, or set an alarm.




Users can opt-in to use the new iOS dashboard design by:


1. Updating to version 2.23 of the Fitbit iOS App, click here to be redirected to the iOS App Store.

2. Click the Account button in the bottom right-hand corner.

3. Scroll down and click the Advanced Settings button.

4. Toggle the Preview New Dashboard button at the top of the page on.


IMG_1179 2.PNG





















Click here for more details and let me know if you have any questions!


Moderator Edit: Edited thread title.

Derrick | Retired Moderator, Fitbit

Best Answer
741 REPLIES 741
I couldn't give up my Fitbit tracker! Fortunately for those of us who prefer the old dashboard, it is easy to go back to it after checking out the new one. Go to your "Account " then scroll up and at the bottom of the screen, select "Advanced Settings". Slide the button and turn off "New Dashboard ".

Sent from my iPhone
Best Answer
For now. Fitbit plans to force their new dashboard on us in the near future.
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@UHauler wrote:

Whew, glad to find out I can go back to the original dashboard. The new one is terrible. Way too cluttered. The original one is simple and clean. The bar lines are much easier to read and process information from rather than the multiple circles and dials. 

PLEASE dont ever force us use the new one!

Hi @UHauler


Merged your post previously posted in the Charge HR section with this thread in the iOS App section regarding the new dashboard for the iOS Fitbit App.

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I'm sure it'll be a stay of execution but I've switched back to my Android phone to avoid it for now!

Helen McNally
User since 2012One, Blaze, Android
Also occ posting as Blokeypoo
Best Answer

Hello everyone! Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. If you don't like the preview of the new Dashboard you can turn it off by: 


1. Tap on the account tab and then scroll down and tap on Advanced Settings 


2. Then you will find the option to turn off  the New Dashboard.




You can read more about the new dashboard on this link. Also if you are experiencing syncing issues please try the troubleshoot advised on this article


Let me know if you have any questions! 

Retired ModeratorAngela | Community Moderator

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of silver and gold! Share your story!

Best Answer
Or, y'all could fix your mistake... How about that? To fix the mistake:

1 assemble the programmers.
2 instruct them to rewrite the code because many CUSTOMERS hate the "new dash"

Thank you Angela!
Best Answer
Yay! Thanks. It worked.

Sent from my iPad
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0 Votes
Perhaps Fitbit will get the message a lot of people do not want the new
dashboard. Please listen.
Best Answer
I actually like the new dashboard but what I don't like is the fact that it's broken!! The sleep, goals, calories, weight etc and anything below the main widget do not update what you scroll between days. The old dashboard works correctly and you can switch days and see the proper history of heart rate, sleep, etc. If you guys accept beta testers get back to me as I'd be happy to join. Cheers.
Best Answer
@SunsetRunner I agree. I love new tech and changes that come with it but only when it makes something even better. With a few tweaks the new dashboard would definitely be cool.

Sent from my iPhone
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0 Votes
Some of us do like the new dashboard. My only request would be to have the
progression of colors back as I accumulate stats through the day.

Those of you who don't like the new dashboard are welcome to disagree. It's
a personal like or dislike thing for sure. Yes it's frustrating to have
something you liked change, but maybe a little nicer tone in the comments
might bring more follow up responses from Fitbit. Maybe not, just a

Like I said, just be nice to have the colors back in a future update. The
code to do so shouldn't be too difficult to update and re-use. Thanks.
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Angela, you did not mention if there is that hideous punk banner nagging us to use the new dashboard once we revert back to the old one.
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Hey everyone that updated to version 2.25. Is the pink banner still there?

What are your thoughts on the OLD dashboard for this version of the update?
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Agreed! I loved the new dash as well, before they changed it so that the lower big tiles only show that days data.

I apologize it my comments offended anyone, but sometimes a firmer tone is required to get the point across.

Thanks to all!
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The pink banner is still there with the update. The old dashboard remains the same. Everyone has different opinions on this and this a great place to post it so the developers can see what is being said. Funny thing is for me, I would like some tweaks done and for my husband, he liked the new dashboard the way it is and has no problem tapping the tile to see previous stats. I would prefer to have the tiles show the stats of the previous day's as I cycle through. Different strokes for different folks. At the end of the day, it's just an app and I'm getting my exercise in which is more important.

Sent from my iPhone
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My iPad and iPhone updated to version 2.25 on 7/20. The pink banner is still
there but the update kept me at the old version which I had switched back
to. I definitely prefer the old version for its cleaner lines. Surely it is
a bug that when you scroll back to the data of previous dates at the top
that the other data doesn't also go back in time. This seems to be the major
complaint of most people who have posted. All I really need it to do is to
update the data in my Charge HR to my Fitbit online account. I mostly use
the web app from my PC where I can go to the "Activities" tab and see what I
need. Barb
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No pink banner on mine. They took it away. 😕

Sent from my iPad
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Guys. Make the original dashboard back as an option. That's what I paid for with my watch. When yahoo changed its email format I left. If fit bit changes its UI, I will also look for a more functional option. This stuff isn't hard folks. I'm asking for the "do nothing" action.
Best Answer

Yay!  Thanks!  Now toget rid of that dang pink banner!  But I can just ignore that.  🙂

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Angela - 


Thanks for jumping in here.


As you can tell from this thread, there are a number of people that prefer the original dashboard.  Will this still be available?  Or will Fitbit eventually be forcing everyone to use the tile dashboard?  


Any feedback on the future ability to remove the hideous pink banner?  


The silence from Fitbit on these two items only causes angst from your loyal customers.  



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