12-14-2024 00:47
12-14-2024 00:47
The latest updates to the Fitbit iOS app are the worst to date, the new layout is bland looking with any colour having been removed, the nice features like heart fitness have been relegated to a herd to find area, please bring back some contrast between readings and zones, absolutely crazy redesign for a paid for app. Would love to know who’s idea this was, clearly they have a thing for a clean look but this is too much
12-18-2024 10:43
12-18-2024 10:43
Hi @Pjones64. Welcome to the community forums.
Thank you for taking the time to share this feedback regarding the Fitbit app.
I am sorry for the inconvenience you have faced during this time using the new app.
Please note that whenever we make changes and improvements we think about how to meet the demands of our customers. However, this does not guarantee that in some cases certain features of the application or trackers will not be pleasant for some of the users.
12-20-2024 05:22
12-20-2024 05:22
Thanks, an app, especially one that costs £7.99 pm should be engaging and colourful, every tab is the same colour which is completely counterproductive in differentiating between readings, just bland page after page, please talk to the designers and bring back some dynamic graphics
12-20-2024 05:43
12-20-2024 05:43
Agree wholeheartedly. This is a ridiculous degradation of Fitbit that has been going on over this entire year. It is crap now. I have held out due to familiarity with my Fitbit and not wanting to adjust to a whole new device and app, but Google has left me no choice because my Fitbit doesn’t even track pace of exercise anymore. I am thoroughly disgusted with Google.
12-24-2024 09:28
12-24-2024 09:28
Those tiny dots for the heart rate zones in the graphs are next to invisible. I wear bifocals and Google obviously thinks everyone has perfect vision.
Not user friendly at all for a lot of people.