02-02-2018 12:45
02-02-2018 12:45
I have a Fitbit ionic that I just received for Christmas. I also have an I-phone 7+. I set everything up to begin with and had no problems. It worked great for about a week. All of a sudden I received no more text, call or messenger notifications on my ionic. I have restarted everything multiple times and even deleted the app and added the Fitbit app to my phone again. It will show that I have a notification but it doesn’t vibrate like it did at the beginning and it still doesn’t show my incoming calls. I need to know how to fix it. Thanks!
02-02-2018 14:12
02-02-2018 14:12
I'm having the same problem. After I charged it the first time it just quit getting notifications. I've been on with the help desk 2 days running and still haven't fixed it!!! This is my second fitbit in a month that has had issues. I'm about to be done.....I don't see any replies to the problem so I'm assuming you never got an answer???
02-03-2018 06:13
02-03-2018 06:13
Do you put them in water?
02-03-2018 15:25
02-03-2018 15:25
Mine has not been in water.
02-03-2018 15:27
02-03-2018 15:27
I have not called Fitbit yet but will be doing that next week if it is not working by then. I have not received an answer to the problem yet. This watch costs way too much money for it to not work properly.
02-05-2018 06:23
09-26-2019 13:55
09-26-2019 13:55
I'm have the exact same problem.. What is the answer? I see this previous post is from last year with no answer.Hum?
09-26-2019 14:03
09-26-2019 14:03
09-26-2019 14:49
09-26-2019 14:49
Thanks. Maybe I will 😖
09-26-2019 19:31
09-26-2019 19:31
Yes I have the same problem and it is a new Fitbit versa lite. It happened every sense the iOS13 download. I have a I phone 11
09-30-2019 14:28
09-30-2019 14:28
Hi - I was on a chat line with a representative and he said to push and hold the single button on the left of the watch. Then turn on notifications. Hope this helps. It worked for me 🙂
10-11-2019 11:29
10-11-2019 11:29