01-27-2020 06:08
01-27-2020 06:08
I have a goal of averaging 11,000 steps per day over a period of 28 days, on a rolling basis, ie my goal on each individual day is set by adding the steps from the previous 27 days and working out how many I need to reach to obtain 308,000 (being the 11,000 average x 28 days).
Is there somewhere in the app that will tell me the total from the previous 27 days?
I also notice that if I change my daily goal the system retrospectively changes that goal on previous days ie I changed my goal from 11,000 to 6,000 and then all the days I reached 6,000 in the past now show as reaching my goal, even if my goal at that time was 11,000. Can the daily goal be locked to that day only?
01-27-2020 08:41
01-27-2020 08:41
Unfortunately, if you change your daily goal, that will apply to all history - no way to change that.
The way I have found most reliable to see total steps in a time period is to look at the dashboard in fitbit.com; i.e. in a web browser.
Dashboard > Log > Activities > Month shows you step total for past month. If you prefer it by 28 days, you can adjust the time period via the calendar scale on right.