02-02-2020 20:41
02-02-2020 20:41
Hi, I have a new IOS 11 Max Pro phone and my ALTAHR doesn't rotate when i have a phone call.
What I need to do?
02-03-2020 11:09
02-03-2020 11:09
Hi @NoaL. Welcome! It's great to see a new face around.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention and let me help you with each of your inquiries. For the syncing issues, please make sure the Fitbit app is updated as well to turn off other Bluetooth connections that are nearby. Then, try the following steps to reconnect your tracker with your Fitbit account.
About your other inquiry, do you mean that the Alta HR display doesn't rotate when receiving call notifications? If so, that's intended as the Alta HR will display your notifications in horizontal position. If you refer to the clock face, you can change its position in the Fitbit app > profile picture > Alta HR > clock face.
I'll be around if you need anything else.