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Tracking runs as walks


I have been using Fitbit to track my runs for years now. Just last week I noticed when I use the app and change the activity type from walk to run, after I complete my runs it reverts it back to a walk. First time I thought it was my error but it has been doing this for over a week now. I like using the GPS map to track my runs so I can see the map when I am finished. Anyone else have this issue or a solution to fix it?

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129 REPLIES 129

Has there been any advances on this? It seems many people, including myself, are still having this issue

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iPhone 14 Pro version 17.4.1

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When will this be fixed? It’s been months. Thanks.

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When will this be fixed?

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I just spent 20 minutes on the phone with Fitbit and got absolutely nowhere. They are aware of the issue and they constantly say we are working on it with our support team. This is super frustrating and I am about to dump Fitbit after more than 10 years, using them and go to Garmin. 

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I agree with all comments.

First of all… when will this be fixed ?

Second: I don’t understand the point of having this community/FAQs if the customer service does not give us any feedback besides: “tech guys are working on it” and “what is your mobile model”. We’re being mistreated.

Third: For me the main purpose of a measuring/biometric device is to measure data and save it. But it seems we’re not getting that and no concrete measures or deadlines for corrections.

To our mediators/admins of the community and fellow users: Maybe we should start posting negative experiences on social media showing bugs to the general public instead of passing it on to Fitbit and getting no solution.

Possibly then, we’ll be taken seriously.

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So…..maybe that’s our answer. 
There really isn’t a team working on it. 
I can’t believe that it isn’t just a line or two in the code that needs to be corrected. 
Just Google the answer…. Oh wait, that won’t work. 
I’m out of ideas. 

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To quote you, "So if you could share your phone model and the iOS version it uses, it will be very helpful for the investigation." How? Does Fitbit have to write different code for each model of iPhone? Do you not have a way of testing software updates on several types of phones before you release them? This has the unmistakable stench of a red herring to give the illusion you are doing something about this. 

Just out of curiosity, how many people are on the "team" that is "actively" investigating this? The original post was created on January 30th, which was likely after the issue arose. That was 12 weeks ago. To break something that worked for years and is broken for possibly everyone who owns a Fitbit after an update to take 12 weeks and counting to fix is ridiculous for a company with the resources of Alphabet Inc. 

There exists somewhere in your company an internal ticket for this issue. There is probably an estimated time for solving the issue. How about sharing that with us, and why a solution is blocked? 

And the fact this thread is marked "Answered" at the top of the page is cute but misleading. Yes, it has been answered, but I might suggest adding a "Solved" checkbox. There is a difference. 

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  • I agree with you all. I don’t think anyone is doing anything and neither are they going to. I have started researching garmin and they have really good reviews so I think it’s time to chuck Fitbit and move 
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My patience has run out. It’s clear that Google are phasing out the Fitbit* so probably quite happy for people to stop buying the devices. But for those of us with a subscription and fairly new device, there should be some form of compensation to recognise that we’ve bought something that isn’t fit for purpose. I haven’t been able to use my watch for the purpose I bought it (tracking runs) for 3 months now. Not good enough. 

* Google made the decision to stop selling Fitbit devices in almost 30 countries. However, they have committed to providing support for those who still have Fitbits in those countries.26 Nov 2023

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So Fitbit, can you roll out an older version of your app which seems to work better and is more accurate and call it “Fitbit Classic”?

You could even use the old graphics on the app and have some retro features such as a step goal streak and other things that we liked in the past. 

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@bk318  I agree 100%. I would continue to use fitbit trackers if I had the v3.98 app. 

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Hello, I am still having this issue, is there a solution to this? I have an Inspire 2.



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I’ve just had a second charge 5 quit because it got wet even though it is rated for that. 
suggestions for a replacement that can withstand a little bit of water?  I will admit that this one got a lot deeper in the water (about 12inches) than the last one that just had contact with a wet car washing mitt. 

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Mine stopped working for three hours yesterday for no reason whatsoever. It had 80% charge . I only noticed when I got home and it said 12:40 - it was actually 3.30pm! I synced it with my phone and it started working again- but according to the Fitbit I was inactive for that time (my phone knew better). They do seem to have had their day…..

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Any update on this? I’m still having same issue 

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Well, the strap of my Fitbit has broken. I think, instead of trying to find a new strap I am going to replace the whole watch with either an Apple Watch or go back to Garmin. Obviously solving this problem is not a priority for the Fitbit powers that be. I am tired of my runs being logged as walks. I’m tired of having my training log screwed up. This situation is incredibly disappointing. 

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Does Garmin have all the basic features that Fitbit has, which include: tracking activity correctly (like Fitbit used to), tracking distance, voice cues for distance, time, pace, etc., setting exercise goals for the week, and most importantly connecting to and controlling the music app on iPhone? If it doesn’t have all of the above, do you know an exercise app that does?

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With all the comments about people that are switching to Garmin, is there anyone even remotely interested in this thread, and fixing this problem?

is Fitbit now an unsupported product?

Please let us know so that we can make informed decisions on what to do. 

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Any resolutions? It’s now May and my sense is still tracking my runs as walks. 

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