03-16-2022 15:11
03-16-2022 15:11
I've checked online suggestions . Can't see the readout on my screen. Alta not damaged and kept dry. Can no longer see the readout, can barely make out an outline when in a dark room. It is recording my data fine, I'm just not able to read it. Thanks for your help.
03-16-2022 16:54
03-16-2022 16:54
Hi @rpm1960 sorry, but there isn't anything you can do. My Alta HR suffered the same fate. I have the Luxe now and the screen has settings to make it brighter and it's good in the sun, too. Wish there was something you could do, but at least it's still working.
03-16-2022 17:23
03-16-2022 17:23
Thanks for your reply! I knew it was a long shot, but I was hoping... I won't be ready to buy a new fitbit for a while yet. At least I can feel the Alta's vibrations so I can tell if it is charging.