02-06-2018 11:34 - edited 02-06-2018 11:36
02-06-2018 11:34 - edited 02-06-2018 11:36
Once more,
i see FitBit forum operators hiding behind their "device compatibility list"
The story so far:
I've got 2 phones with me.
An old Samsung S3, capable of syncing via bluetooth with my Charge 2
A shiny, brand new Mate 10 Lite from Huawei, who PAIRS with EVERY device BUT my FitBit Charge 2.
Before, I had a Honor 7 (still from Huawei) and i did had severe sync issues.
I had Honor when i bought myself the Fitbit device. I clearly remember i was UNABLE to download the firmware for the first usage. Luckily, i had an old samsung tablet. It served me well to push that firmware inside the Charge 2 and start using it.
With Honor 7, the sync wasn't perfect. The app synced 1/3 of the times and of course there were no other features working (like sms, incoming calls, notifications... )
Now the Huwaei Mate 10 Lite. No bluetooth pairing. This phone does not see the device. It simply do not get listed in, therefore no pair, no sync. no nothing, John Snow.
Of course the Mate 10 Lite DO SEE other devices, so i'm pretty sure the bluetooth is working. In every device i have.
Huwaei has a HUGE market slice in mobile appliances, they sell cell phone to the masses, and still, there are severe sync issues with those phones and our fitbit (a Charge 2 in my case)
Seriously, this is SICK for me, but even more for you. You are unable to sell a working device to at least 20% ppl having a so-called """""""""non-supported device""""""" (with a standard bluetooth stack behind!!)
I gave you my trust and therefore my money, i buyed myself a Charge 2. Now I deserve some tech explanations.
I want to know if there are any hopes or not. Is that simple?
Can this community know the state of works/investigations about this issue?
07-10-2018 13:11
07-10-2018 13:11
Extremely shocking...
07-10-2018 13:41
07-10-2018 13:41
Sorry @luca85 I know no more than is in that help file
07-11-2018 00:29
07-11-2018 00:29
Ok so this morning my Huawei p10 lite updated to Oreo and I think there have been changes to the Bluetooth because my device synced in less than a minute. I even have the text notifications switched on as it is working so well right now. Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this.
07-11-2018 12:54
07-11-2018 12:54
Lucky you
07-11-2018 14:43 - edited 07-11-2018 16:13
07-11-2018 14:43 - edited 07-11-2018 16:13
I'm here to bump this thread.
I've been using the Fitbit app, Charge HR, and my Honor 5x since February 2018. As of 7/1/18, the Charge HR will not sync to the app.
I spent a long time in online chat with Karen this morning who explained that she simply could not help me since the Honor 5x is not a supported phone. She would go no further in assisting me.
I explained that I've used it for months, and that it stopped working. I reset the Fitbit Charge HR, uninstalled the app, re-installed the app, restarted my phone, etc, etc.
I've scoured the forums only to find over and over again:
Some devices are not in the list of compatible devices but that does not mean are not compatible. Is just that we cannot guarantee that all the feature will work or it wont present any issue in the future as it has not been fully tested.
It's like a robot answers for any phone that isn't compatible, or that answer is a generic answer so that potential Fitbit buyers will believe that their phone may possibly work if they buy a Fitbit.
There's too much competition out there for this tomfoolery.
Meanwhile those with compatible phones are being told to buy the newest generation of Fitbit when their Charge HR device doesn't sync... permalink: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Charge-HR/Charge-HR-stopped-syncing-after-update/m-p/2821794/highlig...
In addition to telling people with non-compatible phones that their phone is the problem, and telling folks with compatible phones to get new devices, Fitbit says that they cannot get Windows 10 to sync here: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Charge-HR/Fitbit-Charge-HR-not-syncing-with-Windows-10/td-p/990142
So the short of it is:
Fitbit can't help you to get your non-compatible device to work
Fitbit won't help you get your compatible device to work - "buy a new device"
Fitbit hasn't been able to get Windows 10 app to sync properly either.
08-19-2018 12:01 - edited 08-19-2018 12:04
08-19-2018 12:01 - edited 08-19-2018 12:04
The way I have got around this issue is by unlocking the bootloader using DC unlocker, flashing TWRP recovery, flashing a custom ROM (AOSP), then rooting the device. This was quite a big project, but was the only solution to make my Ionic sync with my Honor 9. Now works perfectly.
08-29-2018 22:40
08-29-2018 22:40
Has anyone else tried this (custom Rom)?
Do you belive it can be a good solution even for different Huawei models and Fitbit models?
So what you are suggesting is that is only a **ahem** software bug on Huawei side?
Has anyone tried with the Oreo update that arrived from Huawei early this year?
08-30-2018 05:48
08-30-2018 05:48
Yes it would seem to be a problem with Huawei, not fitbit. I originally had the Oreo update when I decided to use a custom ROM, as I had constant sync issues. I can't confirm whether this would work for every device, but I can't see why not as it's worked perfectly for me.
08-30-2018 06:21
08-30-2018 06:21
Well, since hauwei updated to Oreo now my phone works seamlessly. While before it didn't even sync at all.
Now, on one side this seems like it was a problem due entirely to Huawei. On the other... If that was the case why didn't fitbit make it clear at the beginning? It would have directed customer anger towards the correct target, if that was indeed the case.
Anyway, I still don't know who had the blame, but I'm still sure that fitbit customer service and pr team handled it extremely bad. Never again.
10-13-2018 09:36
10-13-2018 09:36
I have the same issue.. It worked at first.. I tried to re-install the app with no luck.. So disappointed.. Brand new fitbit and no way of seeing my progress 😞
10-19-2018 12:13
10-19-2018 12:13
Try my app. I made it first for my wife. She is using Versa with Huawei Honor 10. She had the same problem, now everything is working, even the connected gps. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hu.czandor.fitbitsyncfix
10-25-2018 08:31
10-25-2018 08:31
@czandor wrote:Try my app. I made it first for my wife. She is using Versa with Huawei Honor 10. She had the same problem, now everything is working, even the connected gps. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hu.czandor.fitbitsyncfix
holy crap! after 5 months of searching for a fix, this works!!!!
I love you!
10-25-2018 09:55
10-25-2018 09:55
Wow, thanks!
The only strange thing is that the screen of fitbit versa stops working during synchronisation.
10-25-2018 11:46
10-25-2018 11:46
I haven't noticed that yet. I was just tickled pink that I can actually sync my fitbit now!
10-26-2018 11:00
10-26-2018 11:00
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Same for me, since the update Oreo my Huawei syncs in less than a minute, I am very relieved of this change.
11-08-2018 06:22
11-08-2018 06:22
I think I may have found the issue and it's not with the fitbit devices. It is more with the Huawei devices and there power management. Could you try the following on your Huawei/Honor phone.
Go to settings > battery > launch
Find the fitbit app in the list and toggle the button to manage manually instead of automatically.
This will allow the fitbit app to run in the background and send you notification to your tracker and enable all day sync.
Since I changed the setting it has been syncing and also sending message and phone call notification.
Please let me know how you get on!!
11-23-2018 12:03
11-23-2018 12:03
Sadly not.
Ive been planning to buy the Honor 10 for months and hurray Black Friday the price has dropped significantly. Only then while checking out reviews i see a comment about it not connecting to a Charge 2 so hold that order!! go looking for answers find this thread and get more and more dismayed as i read further.
Meanwhile hubby is trying to connect it to his Honor 10 to test and see if it was just a random issue thats now been resolved. Sadly he already tried your battery saver fix and sadly i have to report it doesnt work 😞
11-23-2018 12:46
11-23-2018 12:46
Hi! I send you my phone info because the synching insn't working anymore.
11-25-2018 09:45
11-25-2018 09:45
Hi all,
I have tried czandor's app from PlayStore and his fix worked for me. Thank you!
I also want to share another method that worked for me: if I am not able to sync with my Huawei device, I use the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.justinmockler.bluetoothreboot.
It seems this app will do a reboot of bluetooth services, so perhaps any app capable of restarting bluetooth services will work.
It's as simple as opening the app and bluetooth will reboot. After this my device syncs correctoy. Hope it helps you too!
Pd: I use a Huawei Mate 10 Lite