09-07-2024 18:51
09-07-2024 18:51
I have a Charge 6 and Iphone and within the past few days my laps/pace on my exercise details page has gone crazy. I walked tonight, 2.23 Miles at average 19' pace. The detail at the bottom says Lap 1 - 11'41"/mi = 3.63 miles. I know my laps are set at 1.0 mi. I have gone back and earlier exercises that had lap1, lap 2, etc... now have similar one lap with ludicrous distances and no individual laps. This makes me nuts, as a runner I want to know what my lap times are for training and improvement.
Anyone that can help would make me very happy.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
09-08-2024 16:12
09-08-2024 16:12
This is not a good sign. Where is fitbit going under google? I’ve been tempted to switch to garmin in the past, one thing holding me back is all the historical data held by fitbit. If this is going, then there’s no reason not to move, and to a provider more dedicated to your data.
09-08-2024 21:37
09-08-2024 21:37
09-09-2024 11:27
09-09-2024 11:27
As of Friday my Sense 2 no longer has my mile splits for my runs on the app. It shows a totally bogus time for mile 1 of each run then nothing for any other mile. The data it does show gets more suspect every day. For instance, the total distance on runs can fall anywhere within a half mile range on the same Greenway with mile markers that I run most days, which makes the overall pace time unhelpful.
09-10-2024 16:44
09-10-2024 16:44
Following - same problem!
09-11-2024 14:11
09-11-2024 14:11
Thank you for figuring out what is going on with the Pace section. I'm sad I'm not as fast as it says, but at least now I'm not going crazy.
09-11-2024 14:18
09-11-2024 14:27
09-11-2024 14:27
I think there are 2 separate problems.
the first is the loss of the lap data (current & historical) shown in the app.
the second is the incorrect “message”above after switching on lap data on the device. In my example above it could read
Lap 1. 7’56/km . 1.61 mi - which would be better - I think it’s measured my pace over a mile (1.61km) but then given the pace in km rather than mi. Really it should be showing the pace in mi not km
I contacted support today about both issues. They claim they know about them and are working on a solution, although they seemed very quick to say that, before I’d provided much info. They also seemed to imply that lap data from before the issue would be restored, but maybe dta after the problem would stay as a single lap/
Guess we’ll have to wait and see, there was no time suggested as to when this would be resolved.
… continuing to research garmin!
09-11-2024 14:45
09-11-2024 14:45
I don't see seconds on the app either and relied on the pace times and the reason given on one post from a moderator is quoting from Fitbit/Google Policy statement that Fitbit/Google have the right to remove or discontinue any feature without notice. Apparently that was why seconds were removed from the exercise reports. The moderator said that the removal of seconds from the reports was to make the report simpler. The lap times haven't been present on my reports since I first noticed about last April. I always have a close look at them on my Versa 2. I've checked at the App Store and have a report of the update versions that have been sent to me via autoupdate. Since the first update in February there have been an additional 25 updates to the 4.25 version. I've assumed that there would be a fix coming for the corrupted displays I've been finding.
I set my lap distance at 400 meters well before these "updates", since I was using a nearby 400 meter track. Now I can't find where it was set because through the app settings now you can only set a lap larger than 800 meters. It sounds like the fractions of a mile are kilometer translations.
09-11-2024 15:10
09-11-2024 15:10
There seem to be even more issues.
I’ve had a fitbit for years, and it always showed 1mile pace times in the app. For me, this only stopped a few weeks ago, and when I checked older historical data noticed that had been changed. I only started using the lap time on the device after the problem. I’m using a versa 3 and iphone.
An unbelievable response about the seconds, perhaps they should stop using seconds in the olympics too! And perhaps they should remember that customers have the option to use other trackers too.
Suspect the loss of the 400m lap is an update, it makes it simpler to have fewer lap lengths to choose from!
09-11-2024 15:12
09-11-2024 15:12
Hey Paul1964, can you reset your lap distance to something else? I checked my own lap distance and found it set at 4 miles. This had been reset by the updates. I set the lap distance at 400 meters a couple of years ago on Versa 2 Exercise app and still get my Pace reports for 5 laps on my 2 km exercise. The iOS Fitbit app used to provide the pace and lap time for each lap the same as the watch. Until it's resolved all I can do is review the reports on my watch after each exercise session knowing that it's not recovered on the Fitbit app reports.
09-11-2024 15:12
09-11-2024 15:12
Has anybody had any luck with the Fitbit support? I have tried contacting them multiple times regarding this issue and seem to be getting nowhere.
09-11-2024 15:20
09-11-2024 15:20
I’ll have. a look at what the watch says tomorrow. I dont remember ever setting any lap distance in the past, it just gave 1mi reports in the app, but I have had a fitbit for many years, so may have forgotten. I only set it on the watch recently, I found it by accident while trying to see if anything had changed to cause the problem.
09-11-2024 15:22
09-11-2024 15:22
As mentioned, I did speak to them today, and they said they were aware of the issue and were working to fix it. However, I didn’t feel convinced, they jumped to knowing what it was before I’d fully explained everything, and just seemed too keen to get the star rating for the support call
09-11-2024 15:40 - edited 09-11-2024 15:43
09-11-2024 15:40 - edited 09-11-2024 15:43
Versa 2 has settings on a roller selector. Go to the exercise app, select run, tap the gear at top right, tap automatic lap settings, tap every lap and you'll see the roller selector. Select your preference. Push the button to go back. The trouble is that the Fitbit App doesn't listen to the watch on this issue.
09-11-2024 15:54
09-11-2024 15:54
Thanks, I think that’s what I’ve done, its a bit different on the versa 3, you scroll down to find the settings.
This is what I originally (and never) had set, having set it to 1mile after the lap problems in the app started, I now get the lap times in the app, but as shown above (i.e pace recorded for km- but displayed as mile, over 1.61 km- 1mile)
09-12-2024 06:13
09-12-2024 06:13
I have the same issues. Any response yet?
09-12-2024 07:18
09-12-2024 07:18
No I don’t think so. All the previous runs have the same issue so I guess this is a bug of app or Fitbit server, but no clue to solve.
09-14-2024 11:25
09-14-2024 11:25
I am having same problem starting like two weeks ago. The app on my iphone no longer shows the pace per mile, it just shows one line with some bogus pace for one mile. In addition, after one year the app still rounds down the time run, i.e. if I run for 35 minutes and 45 seconds it just shows I ran 35 minutes and never shows the seconds. Been more than a year and fitbit hasn't fixed this on the app so not hopeful they will now fix the pace per mile display. Ever since Google bought Fitbit the updates to the app have only made it worse. If I can't track the exact time for my runs and the pace for each mile then the Fitbit is basically useless for runners.
09-14-2024 12:11
09-14-2024 12:11
I have a charge 3, having issues with the Pace data after my runs as well.
Today is shows: Lap 1 - 6'22" - 19.42 mi
Hoping it's fixed soon!
09-14-2024 12:21
09-14-2024 12:21
Totally agree. For runs, we need split mile times!