11-07-2018 13:17
11-07-2018 13:17
Is there any chance for a "sleep cycle alarm clock" for Charge 3? Feels like the fancy sleep tracking is going to wast when i cannot do anything whit it. It hurts me that it's missing.
11-08-2018 05:32
11-08-2018 05:32
Hello @J_Mathias_S. Thanks for joining the Forums.
I'm afraid I don't fully understand what is it that you'd like to see. Could you go a bit more in-depth into what you'd like to see or what you are not seeing at the time? That way I can help you if you need assistance in making something work or if you'd like to make a suggestion.
Look forward to your reply.
11-08-2018 08:18
11-08-2018 08:18
I expect what @J_Mathias_S would like is to have the alarm be sensitive to sleep stages. For instance, if alarm is set for 7 AM, wake me up to half an hour before that at a good sleep stage, i.e. not in the middle of deep or REM sleep, probably when switching stages.
There was a Zeo sleep monitor/clock with sensor headband that did just that, until it suddenly folded 5-10 years ago.
You would have to post this request in the Feature Suggestions Board. I have seen it requested before so expect there are other similar requests there you could vote for.
11-11-2018 09:51
11-11-2018 09:51
Hello @JohnnyRow.
If that's the case, we do have a suggestion for alarms that wake you up depending on what sleep stage you are on. @J_Mathias_S If that's it, maybe you could vote or comment on it to shot your support. Be sure to read the FAQ to better understand how the board works.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
07-04-2019 15:53
07-04-2019 15:53
Yes I would love this too! I assumed that was why all the sleep cycle data was taken, to have a smart alarm that wakes you up between cycles! Please introduce this as soon as you can - I think it would change most Fitbit users lives. When I’ve used apps that use sound to deduce what sleep cycle you are in, and wake you up between stages or in light sleep, I always woke up feeling much more refreshed, however those app are bad for phone batteries and the phone has to be placed close to your head, which is not ideal. Thank you!!
PS: Upvote Fitbit community so we can get this feature in the next system update!!
07-05-2019 10:49
07-05-2019 10:49
Hello @syandulai.
Thanks for sharing your interest in that idea!
I can see how this can be very useful and welcomed by all sorts of users. Be sure to share the link to that suggestion with any users if you have the chance, that way we can ensure there are as many users supporting it as possible.
Feel free to reach out with any questions or let us know if we can help you with anything.
08-02-2019 06:47
08-02-2019 06:47
The reason why I bought the fitbit was actually exactly this: expecting a sleep tracker that can be linked to a smart alarm. But now I see that you refer to a thread that has been not really active for years. So do you say, there is not current smart alarm that wakes you up in the right sleep stages?
Best regards
08-25-2019 23:58
08-25-2019 23:58
I’m still waiting for this to actually come to pass....
This was the one feature I absolutely LOVED about my Jawbone (rip) but I had to move over to Fitbit when the company stopped syncing to MyFitnessPal before it went belly-up. I assumed that since Fitbit was a more advanced company, it would already have that magic technology.... apparently not.
I am looking forward to the day when I don’t have to get jolted out of a dream in my REM cycle by my alarm. I’d love my wristband to vibrate enough to wake me up in my light sleep cycle so that I feel rested instead of dead to the world after 7 hours.
11-18-2019 09:15
11-18-2019 09:15
Alarm clock to wake you up in your optimal/preferred sleep cycle. The perfect nap alarm clock, or to wake you up in the mooring in the right sleep cycle.
i am assured that this is a feature that a lot of people want, unfortunately when i have spoken to my friends almost non of them had even considered this to be an option so this thread is a bad place to evaluate the want/need for this feature, only people who know of sleep studies/cycles would even find this.
If you put this out there in a survey perhaps, that this possibility could even exist, "The perfect nap", i hope that you would see a lot more support.
I dont really care right now because i haven't used my fitbit since my last post, because this did not exist and i predicted that this would not be implemented for a long time, because of battery problems or programming conflicts.
Went whit an Old School trick to have keys in my hand when i take a nap and when they drop is when you supposedly have had the perfect power nap ;), it's a bit outdated don't you think.
I can see countless uses for this kind of application. Someone practicing lucid dreaming could wake themselves up in the right moment. Perfect sleep cycle wake-up in the morning. Perfect nap in full sleep cycle or power nap.
Why dos this not already exist?
11-18-2019 12:39
11-18-2019 12:39
This feature is coming but only to devices running OS 4.0.2. It will be in 4.1 but only for the Ionic and Versa family of trackers.