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Sleep data with new layout

I suppose there was an update. The app presents sleep data differently.  Have others noticed this?

I miss seeing how long episodes of awake, light, REM and deep sleep are

Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


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851 REPLIES 851

Thank you, RodrigoMFitbit.  Honestly this is the first constructive response from moderators I've encountered.  And thank you for the guidance on finding data.  That said, what was compactly and parsimoniously presented prior is now scattered across screens with the sleep stages totally disassociated with the flow of a nights sleep.  If one is working with sleep issues understanding that flow represents the value of the data.  Before everything was pretty much right in front of you.  Now it's a mouse hunt to track it all down.  Honestly, when it previously was all together in a compact and very consumable form to now be required to capture screen shots in an attempt to assemble the same information makes absolutely no functional sense.  Again, thank you, but please forward that none of these changes constitute an improvement for assessing and monitoring one's sleep cycles.

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OMG. I haven't been on the forums for a while since the big debate about the upgrade, where all our comments were deleted.

But now my sleep data suddenly is different. So I come to the forum to see if it's just me, and maybe I need to post a question. But lo and behold! There is already a thread with over 300 complaints about it! How did I assume 'user error' when OF COURSE it is just Google/Fitbit changing things again for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON!!! It's infuriating and given what we went through last time, just shows a total disregard and disrespect for users.

I finally found the percentages of sleep stages in the 'benchmark' tab. But what are all those dotted lines? Why can't you see everything on one page? Why are my 30 day average figs identical to 'benchmark'??? WHY make something so simple so complicated?!!!! I despair of this product 😞 

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To the bright cookies at fitbit getting paid waaaaayyy too much to do a rubbish job - the new sleep tracker display is RUBBISH!!!

The colours are ugly, you can't get any sleep insights or zoom in. It's just pointless. 

Why did you change it when there was nothing wrong with the original one? The original one was PERFECT. 

Change it back now!!

Why fix something if it ain't broke?????!!!!!

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How about you have a version for the vision impaired and the old version for the rest of us. That helps both groups.


How do we vote? I went to the link but just saw old complaints.

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Between you and @rcfoulk you two have over 20 % of the posts. 

@TobiasF the old graphs where not bar graphs. Plus each graph only showed one type of sleep stage 

Where the old stages where on seperate graphs, now each stage is on its own line. It is a case of following a single line for a single stage 

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My subscription is thankfully expiring in July and then it is goodbye Fitbit after many years. 

I hate their new dashboard, hate it. Hated last upgrade too but this one takes the price. 

Samsung is getting a new watch this summer so I will finally leave fitbit. I just bought my Sense 2 last summer so not happy about it but it is what it is. Google has destroyed the brand, and I am sure there are many more than me that will look everywhere. When even longterm customers leave they should wonder why. But , maybe they want to get rid of us. Seems like it!

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You are nothing if not relentless, Rich_Laue.  Aside from questioning your math I again point out that of the multitude of posts presented on this thread you can still count on one hand the positive ones on one hand, mainly authored by you, with fingers remaining.  There's a point in that data somewhere.

Apologies for the poor edit on my part.

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I definitely dislike the new format for the sleep data. It's visually horrible & I miss the percentages for sleep stages. I may look at other systems.

My sleep hours are randomly inaccurate. I am looking to find a different tracker & will cancel my subscription to fitbit.

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It’s so awful! 

This is just awful.  I have an Apple Watch and Fitbit. I hate their sleep logging so I wear do it now I hate theirs.  It doesn’t even work accurately 

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Once again we see corporate greed at its finest. Tactical and strategic manipulation to force customers to pay for a premium membership. I am throwing this fitbit away and will never use this product ever again.  If we continue to act like zombies in this stupid world of intense marketing, schemes, and outright scams, then we deserve what we get. I really think it's time to take back our power as both individuals and communities, to stand against this type of BS. I'd so rather give my money to small business owners who actually provide value added service and respect their customers. BYE FELICIA!!!!

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Agree, i use fitbit mainly to monitor my sleep pver the days.It is really important forbmy health. now with the new interface it is just hard to yave a global view

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It’s awful! I pay for the premium membership purely for the sleep tracking however this data is now confusing and badly laid out! so I think I’ll be cancelling it! In fact I may well move over to Apple as I’m getting sick and tired of Fitbit updates making the products worse than they were before! 

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Forward this feedback.  The recent changes are terrible.  Why would you intentionally make something worse?  Keep doing that and you will eventually be out of business.

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After the update/change, the statistics for the sleep stages have been removed as a percentage, for example for 30 days, which was given before, and just getting this in time is not as rewarding. Thus, they have degraded the app and the value with Charge 6.

Now there are also no longer any comparison values in percent for sleep and the group to which you belong. Nor do you automatically see how long you have been awake in minutes by tapping on the hours of wakefulness at night, only the times you have been awake are given. And the response from the screen, when you move your finger over the information that can still be obtained, requires more work. If the 'percentage' is not restored soon, I will change the watch/brand.

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"...would never renewed my subscription with the new skeep layout" 

how this is marked as solution? moderator here are really desperate to silent the user voices, funny the same guys once asked for our opinions 😂

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My thoughts exactly.  This is my last Fit Bit if they do not change it back to the old sleep data presentation 

It's basically useless to me now. I think there are other fitness watches out there that can give me what I want. It's very easy to beat this new sleep app data presentation

All the complaints are recorded right here for the public and customer service to see. They can decide whether or not whether they want to address them or lose their loyal customers

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@Rich_laute truth hurts Rich or? Especially then you are wrong over and over, by the way the time fitbit had millions of active user are over, thanks to google desaster redesign here but keep pretending the user complaining here, are the problem. Always a good approach to stay in your echo chamber.

@Rich_laute ir in short "Fitbit, unfit for purpose"

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I think they are trying to force us to upgrade and pay more...each time I try to the info about my sleep that I used to get, I get a prompt for upgrade to Fit Bit premium plus or something for $XX a month

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New sleep tracking is terrible. It is not always accurate and the optics are not user friendly. As you can see by the all the forum comments, loyal Fitbit users prefer the old display. If the recent release stays, the Fitbit will be retired. The Apple Watch sleep is just as ugly but the watch is more functional. You decide Fitbit developers. 

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5,000 votes ,quite clear majority (>80%) doesn't like the sleep update, seems @Rich_laute is in the minority in saying it's only a few user who are critical abd don't like it...

Screenshot_20240425_210552_Samsung Internet.jpg

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