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Sleep data with new layout

I suppose there was an update. The app presents sleep data differently.  Have others noticed this?

I miss seeing how long episodes of awake, light, REM and deep sleep are

Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


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804 REPLIES 804

The new sleep chart is terrible after the last update. It is so difficult to read. Please reinstate the old one!

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I contacted Fitbit customer service about the fact that I was no longer able to edit my sleep records on my Fitbit Charge 5. They said they were working on it. While I believe there were some changes made. The display for sleep (and other things) on my Fitbit Charge 5 is not user friendly and much inferior to what it was when I bought the product. Right now my device no longer prompts me to move at ten minutes before the hour. It also will not give me my hourly step count in the last ten minutes before the hour so I can check my progress. The problem here is that the product I bought no longer does what it did when I bought it, which is a very big problem. The product was advertised to me to be able to do certain things. Now it no longer does those things. The management of my Fitbit product and its app poor. You can't sell someone a product with certain features and then take those features away.

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How can I on update back to the version that had the easier to read bar graph AND tracked all my sleep regardless if my sleep had a break due to insomnia, RLS, nap, etc. I HATE THIS NEW VERSION. I may as well go back to an I watch which had more functionality while awake.

Please, anyone. Lookingg for answers. I’m not looking for Fitbit to sell me on their new version and why it’s better. For me personally, it’s absolutely NOT. Don’t go there. I just want the older version app (will quit updating) that tracks sleep better and doesn’t show a squirrelly EKG type chart for sleep stages. The other one I could glance at, and it picked up all my sleep.

Thank you!

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I actually chatted with fitbit support and was told they can't take a complaint and I needed to use the forum.

Also this "new" poc sleep tracker would be having another version in a few weeks.

Your LIVE PRODUCTION environment is NOT a test bed.  We users are not beta testers.

LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS and pull this new sleep tracker and go back to our old one.

There is not one good thing or enhancement made with this "upgrade".

LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!  or a lot of us are going shopping because fitbit will loose us. 

EASE OF USE should be your number one goal.

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The last update in October/ November of last year was terrible! But an update that I just did two weeks ago is so much worse!!! I miss my old sleep dashboard, and the app with all of my notifications is slow to respond and sync with my activity! Fitbit- PLEASE GO BACK TO YOUR OLD LAYOUT!!!

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You also can't see what time you woke up during the night. It's absolutely terrible. My husband lost his Fitbit and we were going to buy him a new one but we are reconsidering using Fitbit altogether because the new sleep display is so terrible. I wish they would listen and bring the old sleep display back already. There are tons of people complaining about this in the reviews on the app store. Perfect example of a company completely sabotaging itself and losing customers. Bring the old sleep display back!

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I truly doubt that Google is paying any attention to this, but I certainly wish they would! This is the exact same response garnered when they changed the home screen, we all went through the exact same thing, complaining about it, telling them why we didn’t like it.  Once or twice there might’ve been moderator comments about this and that nothing that ever worked and nobody, nobody responded, and it didn’t change anything. 

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Hello @LiChisi 

To see the start & stop times for the various sleep stages, touch and hold on the sleep stages graph until you see a line appear. The text above the graph will change to show the sleep stage with start & stop times.

If you're an Android user, you can touch and hold anywhere on the graph. As you slide your finger across the graph, it will show the different stages with start & stop times.

If you're an iOS user, touch the specific sleep stage where you want to check the times. As you slide your finger across, the text above will change to show the start & stop times for that stage. If you want to check a different stage, move your finger to that stage, then touch and hold.

Let us know if there's any other specific sleep stage information you're having problems finding. We will help you navigate to it

Rieko | N California USA MBG PE

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Well then maybe it’s time to switch to another device. It’s too bad for them as I’ve been a faithful Fitbit customer since they first came out.

Maybe if enough people did that they would actually listen to their customers.

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I contacted Fitbit the beginning of this week. Over 40 min on the phone and got nowhere! The customer service agent told me to post onto this forum as well. I don’t know why, they’re not listening to anyone. They used to be helpful but not anymore. I actually asked the agent if he could figure out my sleep times really fast if I gave him the times, his answer NO! He said he would need a calculator, really…..  I think they have been looking at 5 year old comments when people actually liked their Fitbit . Most all of the new comments are not good ones. Come on Fitbit, pay attention to your customers.


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I HATE this new sleep tracking!   Why am I paying a premium price for garbage info???  Where’s my REM sleep!?!  I spoke to FITBIT via chat and they said they are aware and trying to fix it.  How hard is it to revert back to the old version???? 

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Since the update, I can't read the graph making the data useless. Please change it back

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@Lindamarymann. THEY aren't going to give you that information. They don't want you to change it back, no matter how many thousands of us beg. They want us to stick with their poor excuse for an upgrade (that's really a major downgrade). Many are leaving this brand and any Google replacement.

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@HENK2. They don't care in the least. They still have people buying THEIR Pixel product. I won't be. My replacement definitely won't be part of Google. I also don't like them making it mandatory for us to give up our email we've been using all along and switch to Google mail. I wonder if that is legal?

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@sandzl. That was my thought as soon as I heard. They want to eliminate competition. Fitbit was the best. Let's see who they buy out next.

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After reading every message in this forum/topic for the last few weeks it is pretty obvious we all hate this. And, it is equally obvious that Google does not intend to roll it back. They already touted this out to media, with screenshots - they'd lose face. They *could* turn it into a media positive by doing a fluff piece about how they listened to users.....but we all know they won't.  I've resigned myself to dealing with it. I am a 10-year Fitbit user and just purchased the Versa 4 to upgrade from my Versa 2 which died after many many years. I was so excited that the Versa 4 has some of the functionality that the Apple Watch has - the ability to take phone calls, respond to text with more than stock answers, longer battery life, et.  So I will probably stay with this until I am forced to change.  My husband won a Google watch two years ago, it sits on the dresser on a charger, unused. It is clunky and large and not attractive at all.  As a sufferer of fibromyalgia, I have always used the sleep data to assist me with my planned activities for the day, I'll have to adjust to another way to do that.  I have a friend who has always refused to wear hers at night, saying she didn't want anything electronic touching her during sleep.  I may go the same way now.  Fitbit let us all down, and what a shame, they had such a huge fan base of loyal customers.  Google is taking over the world it seems and our trusted products with it. 

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This change is annoying for so many reasons.  It does seem to be an intentional degradation of the product.  And it's not the first step in this direction.  The exercise data that was available on the App was degraded last year, too.  I have been touting this product for years and have bought many as gifts.  But things change and now I think it's time to end my subscription and toss the watch.  It was gonna fall off due to the faulty wrist band clasp anyway.  I think Apple may make a Watch.  I'll have to look into that. 😉


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The problem with Apple is that you have to go all in and get the phone.
Thats pushing up the investment!
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Used to love fitbit.. but degraded.. my Fitbit isn’t even logging my rem i now need premium for that??

i liked the old layout. But the recent different layout is un viewable for my friend who is colourblind and no way of changing back so once my Fitbit looses warranty, im finding something else

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I had not used my Luxe for over a month because it wouldn’t synch. I finally got it to synch and now am seeing a completely different sleep tracker. I hate it. It was the most important feature for me. I will cancel subscription if this is not improved. 

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