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Sleep data with new layout

I suppose there was an update. The app presents sleep data differently.  Have others noticed this?

I miss seeing how long episodes of awake, light, REM and deep sleep are

Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


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870 REPLIES 870

With with the new Fitbit update and over a thousand negative reviews Fitbit just doesn't care as we are stuck with a useless watch and they've already gotten their money from our subscriptions. What options are other people looking at for switching out of a fitbit? Two major issues with this update. I used to be able to easily look at how many steps I had a day and it would bring everything up so I could look at my history all at once. Now you have to tap on week month Etc and it's not efficient. But the worst part is the update on the sleep. I can no longer see what times of night I'm awake and for how long at a time. I've complained to Fitbit numerous times as they do have the ability to offer an option to either roll back to that or included as a second option as I have had this happen with other apps. Again Fitbit just doesn't care because they think they've got us all over a barrel.

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Thank you for the info. Makes it a little better!
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Thank you so much for making my words so much clearer as I didn't have the programming/designing background that you do. You've put my criticisms and suggestions in language that Fitbit's designers might better absorb and understand.

I've already seen some computer mags talking about this issue so it' now getting out in the public and will certainly affect the Google bottom line.

Since they will never consider reverting back to the original version, I've recommended the following:

1) understand the best parts of the older version. Most of that input is already in thousands for forum posts. Just read.

2) incorporate those best parts into the new version so we haven't lost what we most needed.

3) change the problematic issues in the new version (read brentpj1 for sure)

4) so this creates a NEW product with the best of both worlds

5) use beta testers this time before you release the new version to the public. There was no excuse for new updates to not have been tested by verified owners before release to the public. Had this been done, and had Fitbit taken pre-release testing seriously, Fitbit would have been BETTER off (as would we), not WORSE off.


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At this point, it appears that they won't revert to the earlier version. Doing so is not in Fitbit's nor Google's culture. Doing this right is just not a priority. However, that said, I've recommended an update that had the best of the past with fixing their mess of the present. It's the only way they'll be able to retain good will and retain their current users and possible future.

They don't see this as the right thing to do for their audience, nor even the right thing to do for their marketing/advertising/sales. So, I think that Google will eventually absorb Fitbit into their Google watch line and do what they want. Google purchased a company then ran it into the ground.

If they consider my ideas as I've posted we may all be saved as would the departments above. Let's wait and see what happens within the next 30 days and by then we'll know the writing on the wall because it would have been enough time for several updates/fixes.

So far from reviews I've read as well as posts, no one in the market place currently has an exceptional sleep program...what Fitbit was known for.

If anyone out there has purchased a smartwatch that has the depth, user-friendliness and accuracy as our early Fitbits, I'D LOVE TO KNOW.


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After posting the negative review yesterday, my Fitbit 5 froze up and nothing could bring it back to life. Amazing coincidence. I’m moving on to Garmin

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Hate the new Sleep update. I was giving it some time, but it just doesn't make me happy. 

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Exactly. Successes to clients require product suppliers to listen to feedback & deliver the best product tailored to the best interests or majority of client needs…….Business 101……every great enduring & evolving product was built on this principle. Simply keep the best/most useful desired features, build trust in that relationship, and bring it to market! Not rocket science here!

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Right you are. Why change what works? Who’s the client and who keeps the business running? Trust is enduring, unwillingness to listen to feedback is ultimately a path to failure when another developer markets a product that meets clients essential needs. 

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@Terrycw. To accept it means Google wins. They won't with me. I will be leaving Fitbit as soon as I determine the closest sleep tracker to what Fitbit USED to be. Google bought Fitbit with the sole purpose of destroying their biggest competition in the tracker trade. One by one, they have taken useful features away. I have a sleep disorder which is why I bought Fitbit in the first place. It is useless to me now. Also, forcing us to use only Google mail is taking away another choice. 

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@DedeDisch Fitbit WAS better than this but it is no longer Fitbit. It is only Google now.

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@RiekoC  No matter what, the new system is totally useless for my purpose and my sleep doctor agrees.

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Agree! I got an Apple Watch (a friend had one she wasn't using). I prefer the display to the FitBit (black and impossible to read for the purpose of telling time), but I'm not wild about the highly rated/recommended sleep app, ShutEye. I'm also using "Sleep" in the Apple Health app. Not useful at all. I'm going to try out some other sleep apps to see if I can find anything similar to and easy to interpret like the FitBit before the updates. If anyone here finds a sleep app similar to FitBit before it was destroyed by the updates, please post it. Chances are it'll be blocked by FitBit or I won't see it (since I get so many FitBit Community notices every day and can't read them all).

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They sold out. Google ruins everything they touch.

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Does anyone else dislike the new sleep graphics? They are terribly glitchy and don’t seem to give the same level of information since they changed it a couple weeks ago.

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Yes, that’s what I’m complaining about.
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Have you not been reading the 1000+ forum comments?? No one is in favor of it.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Get Outlook for Android<>
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Can't comment on the post to bring back the old sleep graph but that is what I also ask for.... Or at least... Give back the functionality of the old one.

Full screen graph, different pages for each sleep stage.

I discovered "by accident" that I needed to tap and HOLD far longer than previously to get the line on the graph showing the time - so at least that r feature is still there... 

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0 Votes

Why is my sleep tracker suddenly showing only 3-4 hrs of sleep?  It also doesn’t show REM or Deep Sleep time and doesn’t give me a score. Very frustrating!

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What is good about the changes you have made to the Sleep Display?  Not One Thing.  You have ruined the ability to interpret the data.  Now I am unable to make ANY sense or understand the display because it does not make any sense.  I can't tell where each mode changes and how much time I was in each mode.  WHERE ARE MY PERCENTAGES?????  The Benchmark and 30 day average no longer are useable.  I don't understand why ANYone thought this was an upgrade.  If I had known the main thing I check each day was changed so badly, I would NOT have replaced my Charge5 to a Charge 6.  So disappointed in you Fitbit.  Now I'm so mad I don't check anything.  The person who made this change should be let go.  I want the OLD display back!!!

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As I looked at the redesigned sleep data on my Fitbit this morning, it became clear the feature that was missing that I missed the most was the time for each sleep cycle.

had heard from a sleep researcher ideally one should have minimum sleep cycle of about an hour & half.  

With the old data display it told you clearly how many hours we’re in each sleep cycle but the we display just gives you the time & I have to do mental math (before I’ve had my coffee!) 

that’s honestly a shows a serious lack of understanding of how consumers use Fitbit & even more importantly why that data is important! 

with tools such as Fitbit the goal should always be to  give consumers what they want on as clear & easy to understand way as possible.

And Continuous Quality Improvement says one should take consumer feedback in to make improvements- which in this case would mean going back to old display - or updating to new display with the features they should have clearly heard from feedback everyone is missing.  

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