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Sleep data with new layout

I suppose there was an update. The app presents sleep data differently.  Have others noticed this?

I miss seeing how long episodes of awake, light, REM and deep sleep are

Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.


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870 REPLIES 870

Yeah, @Nawtykitty, I read the same tracker review.  Oh, the poor folks that dive on the product based on this review only to find that they are victims of a bait and switch.  I suppose they could be using the old format for their Pixel products and just skunking Fitbit users.

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Agreed..OR the article could have been planned in good faith, but the
graphics acquired before the infamous "update".

In any case, that author should be updated himself, yes?
Best Answer
I’ve patiently been hoping fitbit would listen to our feedback and change things, but clearly they aren’t interested. So after 12 years of being a HUGE fitbit lover- i got rid of it and bought me a new (way better) fitness tracker. The sleep data is SOO great. I feel whole again having my sleep data look familar and better
Sent from my iPhone
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Be careful. Say bad things about moderators and they delete you. Nice to
hear that "they are looking into it". We'll all bow down to them if they
make a public announcement and send an update that reverts only the sleep
protocols. They would join the ranks of AA, Apple and NOW Microsoft who have
changed gears specifically because they stated that their customers
objected. Fitbit just won't grow up. I'd love to be wrong.

I'd love so know more about the sleep section of the Ring once you get used
to wearing it. I saw a bad review of it, but if you like it, that's great.

Keep us posted if you don't mind.


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What did you buy?? You appear to have an iPhone and we've had posters here
who have said that the watches and apps from Apple were worthless, so what
do you have that you love so much?
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0 Votes
What did you end up getting?
Sent from my iPhone
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@stacey88  Can you give a hint to what you got or where to find it? I found a couple of possible replacements but I need to find more info on them before I buy one. 


@Evpol Other brand it looks like. Everyone I know that had a Fitbit already did.

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Can you let us know which one you bought? I’ve been a Fitbit customer ever since they first came out but I’m done now.

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0 Votes
Yeah, the problem is trying to see the sleep section in a watch that we haven’t purchased yet.

There doesn’t seem to be much out there. Fitbit had a corner on that market and destroyed it.

Posters here have been good to share what they can about a watch they’ve tried. Some Apple people said their software/app is worthless, another said it was great. ☹
Best Answer
EVERYBODY should request their money back (warranty or not). The Sleep
Tracker no longer works properly. The damage was done by FItbit and they
therefore are liable for this damage (unfortunately I'm betting this TOO
will fall on deaf ears)
Best Answer

I get Google wants to make changes to “improve” the Fitbit app, but it’s doing the opposite. The new UI overall is harder to use or read, especially the Sleep duration. Google combined the two graphs, and removed the scales on the axis. Combining two graphs does not make it a better UI or UX. You need to understand the purpose of them!!! We as users do read through the two graphs (original UI), and can easily understand them. Not the new one. Ask anyone new (with fresh eyes) to compare the two, they will tell you the same. Let us CHOOSE!!!!

Google should really do an AB test before forcing all users to accept this non-usable UI. The way you do AB test on this is to allow users to choose between the new and the old, not just rollout to 5%, then 10% of the users, because you can’t get an accurate data from that! (I’m just assuming they have done AB test.) 

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Agreed. And, considering the dramatic change, beta testing should have occurred before it was released. I'm sure these objections would have been realized then.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Get Outlook for Android<>
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I was trying to come in here to see if anyone heard any hopeful news. I just spent 40 minutes with support because it appears they made more changes that made me have to log in again to the app and it wouldn't let me. Even after I changed my PW. To come into the Forum I also had to log in again. It wouldn't accept my info. I had to delete the app and reinstall and STILL had problems. The support person was very helpful and got me back into the Forum, but I will have to see if I still can once I exit.

Best Answer

The new update to the sleep tracker app is terrible! I loved the old format, it was easy to read. I could tell exactly what time I was awake during the night. There were more color features to the app which made certain important things to me stand out. Also, there were more graphs. It was much more comprehensive than the new one! It's very disappointing. I've been a Fitbit user for years and I check the sleep app every single morning! I also use the meditations and sleep stories and think that section is great!

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I just read this. It's BS ("they can't go back") because about a week ago MINE went back to the old version for a day. All the previous days since the change were up to date. The next day, it was back to the new useless version. Someone in here said that theirs keeps on jumping between old and new. They CAN do it. They just refuse to. Here's the article I just read.


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Yeah, it's BS @Nawtykitty.  I know more than a little about code development and if the different functions, like sleep as a discrete feature, was developed modularly it would not be difficult to drop the old code back into the app.  Having laid off virtually all Fitbit staff including the folks who developed the product line and having curtailed all sales offshore it's pretty clear that Fitbit has no future in the Google/Alphabet universe.  Google's purchase of Fitbit is likely pretty much catch-and-kill for what had been a well-regarded competitor deemed superior to anything Pixel branded by independent reviews while harvesting the best of their product for the Pixel line.  And it would be Google coders that are bringing us these functional downgrades with likely an eye towards app development for their Pixel line.  While I would never trust another Google product that requires an app developed by them, if I could look at the Pixel app I suspect there is a good deal of similarity if not being pretty much identical.  So the Google folks have no fundamental interest in Fitbit or what the users think about the application that had previously put usability wheels under the physical device.  The total absence of response to the avalanche of outrage concerning what they have done to the Fitbit application to date demonstrates something that's likely a combination of arrogance and utter indifference.  I already have narrowed my replacement options to two products for when this becomes totally intolerable (having reverted to v3.90 on my phone is providing a bridge), I'm just waiting for the last shoe to drop.

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Thanks for this
contains a link to the request to change the app, which now has pushing
3000 votes. I suggest you go there and vote.
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Thanks for the link. I think everyone should read it and vote on the original post. Maybe then someone from Fitbit would actually pay attention. You have to wonder why they would disregard so many unhappy customers. It’s certainly going to affect their future sales.

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@rcfoulk  I have choices narrowed down to a couple as well. I just wish I could see their sleep display. I want the readability of the old Fitbit and the ability to scroll through previous days. Those are key features for me. The two I am looking at have similar display to the old Fitbit, but I don't know about the scroll feature. Last night I found another possibility, but don't know if it has the scroll feature. You can bet whatever I choose will have NO connection to Google. I totally agree with your assessment as well.


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Have you noticed that emails now arrive without the 'vote' button?  This must be to reduce the critical count

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