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Weight data history and trends not available after 4.30


With the installation of this new update, why is all history being either deleted or not displayed? For example I am a 9-year Fitbit member and my weight data is no longer available prior to the last 2 years. I enjoy looking at trends seeing where I've been and where I am at. But this information is no longer displayed when changing time ranges.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

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Me too. I stay with fitbit for my data history.


Stop charging things that aren't broke.

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It would be nice if Fitbit could at least confirm that our data still exists, and there is hope of recovering it someday!
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At least in my case, I'm confident the data still exists.  I did a Google Takeout of my FitBit data, and downloaded the zip file when I got the email that it was ready (several hours later).

The place to look after unzipping the zip file is in the "Takeout" / "Fitbit" / "Global Export Data" folder.  There should be a number of files named as "weight-YYYY-MM-DD.json", with various YYYY-MM-DD dates.  There seems to be roughly one per month for me.  I confirmed that the files do still hold the data.

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Thanks. After more searching, I did find my old weight data in the Takeout file I downloaded. It shouldn't take Fitbit/Google too long to get this back into a useful graph or table if they just get busy with it...
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Hi everyone, and welcome to the new members.

Thanks for your continued reports, and the additional information. As I mentioned before, this issue has been escalated to our team and they're currently working to get it fixed. While I don't have a time frame for the resolution, rest assured that I'll update this thread as soon as I have more news.

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Any news on when this will be resolved? I need my data back please!!  I've lost almost 100 lbs and this is how I track ed my progress. Really upset I can't see it now!

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0 Votes that's your restored data Fanny?  Just one data point per year, and you had to get Customer services to restore it for you? 

I've tried to download my data, but just get a very small proportion of it.  How do you get customer services to respond?

I think it's time to give up on Fitbit...just want my data history!

Obviously Google decided to dumb it down, reduce the data presented and make it very slow to load that data, one piece at a time.  Just gone to the dogs since Google took over!  I guess they're just trying to get people to stop buying Fitbit, and buy some Google product instead...or they just wanted all our data for marketing purposes, and didn't care about the users.

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When you say you found it, you just mean evidence of it, right? Because I also found my whole list of weight-year-month-day logs but when I click on them, it brings up a file of (literally) 100,000 lines of code. Am I supposed to be able to see the actual entry somewhere?

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Do we know when this issue will be resolved?

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Any update on this Lizzy?

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😠 Mad!!!! Fitbit was the greatest as it showed your weight from all time in one screen unlike Galaxy and Garmin. Now it has deleted old data from before I lost weight 100kg. It helped so much with trends and support. Only goes back to 2019 and only year average.  Poor Poor Poor Fitbit app. 

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Mad!!!! Fitbit was the greatest as it showed your weight from all time in one screen unlike Galaxy and Garmin. Now it has deleted old data from before I lost weight 100kg. It helped so much with trends and support. Only goes back to 2019 and only year average.  Poor Poor Poor Fitbit app

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Again: the data is not deleted.  It's still there, and you can get it via Google Takeout.  It's just not displaying in the app.

Not saying this isn't super frustrating --- it is!  I miss easily seeing my data too.  I'm just saying that the data is still there, and this is an acknowledged defect, so once it gets fixed, I hope and expect we'll have the same experience as before.

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This is frustrating.. how many months before this will be fixed..
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Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say that the data is "there" in Google takeout? I have downloaded my Google takeout, and the only thing I can find is files with the name "weight-date". Opening those files brings up note documents full of literally 100,000 lines of code. Nowhere does it actually say 162 lb in April of 2016, 154lbs in June of 2020, etc. if it doesn't have information that I can abstract myself, it's useless. 

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See my post from Dec 27, which describes where the data can be found within Google Takeout.

Emily, when you say lines of "code", do you mean "data"?  For me, the data was stored in the JSON format (a file that ends in ".json").

(Admittedly, the JSON format for data does look a lot like code.  It was designed based on the JavaScript programming language.)

When I open up any one of those files, I see a sequence of entries, which has keys including "logId", "weight", "bmi", "date", "time", and "source".  Each file has about 30 entries or so (it looks like they got created once per month).

The raw data will give you a weight on each day.  If you want your weight in each month, you'd need to do some kind of aggregation (like taking the average).  Or rather, Fitbit would need to do that --- it's not reasonable to expect end users to be programmers and data scientists just to track their weight over time!

I hope they fix --- or, rather, un-break --- this issue soon.

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Hi Chogg,

That's great to know. Thanks for helping. Hopefully fixed soon. 🤞

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I tried Google Takeout.  Eventually I managed to download the zip file and extract the data...took a long time.

My extracted files show what I suspected Google was doing... consolidateing the data down to single data for each previous year, one for each month of the current year, then weekly then daily. So basically they've dumped all my data, without any notification.  



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Found missing data.

Fitbit displays average weight instead of a weight trend line. I find this less informative than the previous layout. 

Please change on next Android app update 

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