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I have been trying to set up my scales. I go through almost the whole process until its trying to connect to WIFI and then a "WIFI ERR" shows up on the scales. I have checked my settings on my modem and it is on WPA2 PSK. I have also reset the modem more then once and tried the set up various times with no sucess. Does this have something to do with my modem? I have never had so many issues trying to set up one of my devices and I am considering just returning your item as I didnt realise I would have so many issues (obviously I dont want to return it). Can anyone shed any light on this issue?
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
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Google Chrome was blocking the site. I used Firefox and was able to connect successfully. Google Chrome web browser did not have any proxies configured. Perhaps vague security protection in Google Chrome that is not in the Firefox web browser. Security vs Convenience.
Split your WiFi router signals from 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency channels. Connect your Fitbit Aria to your 2.4GHz SSID band channel. Fitbit Aria uses WiFi 802.11b standard which is the 2.4GHz frequency. Your WiFi router manual will have directions on how to configure your 2.4GHz SSID and 5GHz SSID. Fitbit Aria has a weak antenna so configure next to your WiFi router.
Moderator edit: merged reply
01-30-2020 19:01
01-30-2020 19:01
I called Comcast, my internet provider. The protocol number was actually on the back of my wifi router - 802.11ac not the 802.11b that is needed to connect the Aria scale properly. The operator said there was an error with my router that she could see on her end and a technician would need to make a house call to repair it.
04-10-2020 04:32
04-10-2020 04:32
This did exactly the trick!! I went into my wifi settings and hadn't realized by connection was on 802.11g/n instead of 802.11b/g/n... This made the difference as you said the Aria scale works with the 802.11b protocol! Thanks so much!!
04-14-2020 04:36
04-14-2020 04:36
I have had my Aria for a few years now. I just recently within the last few month gotten a new router. I know I have the 5GHz and 2.4GHz networks. I am trying to connect my aria to the 2.4GHz network and I keep getting a WiFi err. What am I doing wrong?
04-24-2020 00:25
04-24-2020 00:25
Hello, I figured out a easy way to fix the problem.
Itried all the solutions described above for linking using my router wifi...with no good results. SO:
Link the Aria to your mobile cellphone hotspot wifi, but remove the password (also use only letters in the name of your network just for be double sure), so it can be a free wifi. Its easier to enable and disable your mobile wifi for the aria, than changing everytime the security of your laptop or home wifi.
The Aria links easily at those networks, my guess is because smartphones tend to use friendly protocols (more compatible) with the devices.
Hope that this help all of you.
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Agreed. I had no amount of problems setting up my Aria. Even the How To Videos on this site as of May 23rd 2020 do not even mention the issues many customers will have when changing Network settings with this poor device. The Aria should never have been fitted with such limited WiFi transmitter hardware and the current How To Videos should be changed to mention these issues with 802.11b network modes.
Ferdinand is giving the correct information but the underlying issue here is that what's not being made clear is that the early Aria does NOT work in any WiFi mode other than 802.11b. My router has the following modes:
802.11g/n mixed
802.11b/g/n mixed
Even though 802.11b/g/n supports 802.11b protocol, the Aria refuses to connect to it.
So let's be clear. If you have the first Aria model you will get the ERR message when the router is at the stage of trying to 'Join' the network during setup because the WiFi hardware inside the Aria is quite limited and has compatability issues with anything other than 802.11b only modes.. Aria launched in 2012 and at that time 802.11 b g and n network protocols were easily available but Fitbit chose to fit their product with a transmitter that only supported 802.11b, pretty much guaranteeing compatibility issues later down the line.
Moderator edit: merged reply
05-26-2020 02:24
05-26-2020 02:24
My network is one word. No spaces, no numbers, no symbols.
05-26-2020 17:13
05-26-2020 17:13
My advice is to connect the Aria to your mobile hotspot network (disable your security password from that). Because the Aria is super bad to connect to wifi modems.
05-27-2020 03:03
05-27-2020 03:03
I have a 'smart' home. On top of phones, tablets, laptops and TV's, I have lights, speakers, CCTV cams, NAS drives, etc. None of those devices needed me to change any of my WiFi settings or do any 'workarounds'. I'll be **ahem**ed if a darned scale is gonna make me 'work' to make IT work. I'm returning it. Fitbit need to update and adapt their tech.
06-15-2020 18:43
06-15-2020 18:43
This worked for me. I had to remove a special character from my wifi password to get the scale to connect. Weak.
06-17-2020 06:19 - last edited on 07-15-2020 20:19 by LiliyaFitbit
06-17-2020 06:19 - last edited on 07-15-2020 20:19 by LiliyaFitbit
I will have to give this a try. Thank you!
Moderator edit: personal info removed
06-18-2020 09:20
06-18-2020 09:20
Can someone tell me if the new Aria Air has this same issue. I discovered this issue early 2019 when we got a new router and decided to just manually enter my numbers on my phone app. However, have been considering getting a new scale but only if the router issue has been resolved.
06-18-2020 09:26
06-18-2020 09:26
I returned my Aria 2 and got a Withings Body Cardio (recharchable) scale instead. Much easier to set up and links with my Fitbit band. 👍🏻
06-21-2020 18:20
06-21-2020 18:20
I just answered this on a different post. I just fixed my "Wifi Err", almost by chance, I admit. Here's what I did:
Hi there! I had the same "Wifi Err" issue after upgrading my internet connection. The modem was replaced, and after that, "Wifi Err" at the last step of the setup. It was a Sagemcom modem. I called the ISP and they replaced it with a brand new Technicolor modem. Same error. Then I had this idea: why not sync the Aria through my cellphone? I created a hotspot with the same SSID and password as my Wifi connection. Then I went through the setup steps, and after submitting network and password to the scale, I *immediately* turned on the hotspot. The scale synced properly through my phone. After linking the scale, I turned off my hotspot, and the scale continued communicating properly with my Wifi!! All sorted! Woohoo! I hope this works for you too! Greetings from Argentina, Rodo
07-15-2020 00:42
07-15-2020 00:42
Having the same problem, I tried many solutions and this worked for me:
- remove all batteries
- have a coffee for 10 min
- use Firefox browser
- connect to http://fitbit.com/scale/setup/start
- follow the process ...
- connect to your 2.4 GHz wifi network
(You should remove the option one SSID in your router to be sure to have 2.4 and 5 GHz wifi with different SSID names.)
For info: my wifi 2.4 GHz SSID is only letters smalls and caps and space. (For instance: 'My Good WiFi Network')
My personal thinking is that removing batteries for 10 min and connecting to the 2.4 GHz wifi did the trick.)
Good luck
11-10-2020 05:34
11-10-2020 05:34
Had to
1) logon to my xfinity wireless router. Default credentials admin/password
2) change that default password from "password" to something better
3) the wireless signal was g/n. The Aria scale is old so it needs "b".
4) changed wireless to broadcast b/g/n
all better now.
12-29-2020 22:07
12-29-2020 22:07
This is quite the epic thread, thought I would chime in since I just finished fighting with it again. Original Aria scale running firmware V39. New batteries. Lost sync with wifi in August and wife finally got me to fix it today.
I have a Ubiquiti Unifi enterprise wifi system at my house and used it to troubleshoot the Aria scale. The underlying problem is that Aria is using an 802.11b wireless chipset, which means you need two things - Your network must support 802.11b legacy devices at 1,2,5.5,6,9 or 11mbps , AND your ESSID beacon to be broadcast at an 802.11b rate (1,2,5.5,6,9 or 11mbps) and your network to support clients at this rate. 1mbps is preferable because it is the most robust signal. My wireless access point about ten feet away from my scale and it wouldn't work reliably with anything above 2mbps. 5.5mbps failed 50% of the weigh-in sync attempts.
Hope this helps someone - dig through your 2.4Ghz radio configurations until you find 802.11b support and make sure it falls all the way back to 1mbps.
The final recipe to get sync'd up again with a Unifi AC-Nano wireless access point:
802.11 rate and beacon controls: DTIM 2G period 3, 2G Data Rate Control 1mbps.
Legacy support - off
WPA mode - 1 and 2, encryption - AES/CCMP
GTK rekeying every 3600 seconds.
12-30-2020 01:10
12-30-2020 01:10